Search function can’t find songs on Tidal and Qobuz

If I search for a song like Ziggy Marley - Tomorrow People I get very limited results if I use Ziggy Tomorrow as search phrase. The best result is the one in my (own) library. But if I browse through the albums in Discography I can see it is on more album than the results of the search function. Why? It isn’t cause by the Focus button or such. And other search phrases don’t help either. I would like to see if Tidal and Qobuz have better version than I have…

You will get the most accurate search results when searching in Qobuz/Tidal directly.

Extra advice, when searching in Roon do not mix (part of) the artist name and (part of) album or track title.
Roon search results will at best be limited and/or confusing.

Hi Dirk, how do you mean search in Qobuz or Tidal directly? Do you mean first go to the Qobuz or Tidal section in Roon and use a different search button? I hope you don’t mean search in the Qobuz or Tidal App as the main goal in buying a lifetime Roon account was to make searching easier for my wife. And by using just album, song OR artist as a search do you mean using the focus button in the search results? Like searching “I will always love you” and than filter the results with Dolly or Withney?

It all depends what you are searching for:
a) non-classical music already in your Library - then Roon search is (more or less) OK
b) for classical music , the best way is to go via Compositions or Composer.
c) for new music not in your Library, I do mean to use the Qobuz (/ Tidal) app or webpage, completely outside from Roon.

There are many good reasons to acquire a Roon lifetime license, but making search easier is not at the top of the list (to put it mildly)

That is correct.

1 Like the album page and then click on versions. This will give you all versions in your library or on a streaming service

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If you know the artist name and you have albums in your library , use the Artist View Filter Funnel , its a much shorter search.

I tend to out one album from an artist from Tidal into my library just to facilitate that if there are no local albums.

Search has recently been moved to “the cloud” (as of V 2.0) to allow for bigger and better computation. Roon employed a search specialist last year so search is a bit “work in progress” . Hence the Internet Always On debate.

That said keep pumping examples for Roon to evaluate it helps test the robustness of the search improvements.

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Found it first time I entered it in. You best not using hyphens to separate unless they are property part of the album title

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