Search function not working after latest update

My search function is not working after the lastest update - yet another update break-age…

roon symbol just goes round and round and round - returns zero results and goes round and round

rebooted, restarted, all the usual…
any explanations?

In order for Roon’s Support team to better assist you, please provide a brief description of your current setup and the nature of the issue using this link as a guide.

Make sure to describe your network configuration/topology, including any networking hardware currently in use, so they have a clear understanding of how your devices are connected. .

Can you please let Roon Support know these details so that they can better assist you? Thanks!

thanks Geoff,
I have roon installed on a Laufer Tecnic memory player, also on a windows 10 PC - plugged in to a router as always…
tbh I’m sick of updates not working correctly.
My system is no fancier than any other neither is it connected in any esoteric way
I use Netgear Nighthawk router
the search on ANY device doesn’t work, phone, tablet, PC, or Audio Server.

a run down of what appears to be not working…

  • search… doesn’t return results - just keeps turning…
  • Roon Radio - doesn’t play after album stops
  • library thumbnails are INCREDIBLY slow to load - and in some cases don’t.
  • the issue “Resolved a color handling issue on Android phones” - actually a previous update RESOLVED this issue on my Lenovo tablet I use to control Roon - however , this release has reverted back to dark colours and doesn’t display correctly

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Search not returning results since updating to Build 952 [Ticket in - Roon Investigating]