Search quirk - albums vs compositions

I get a lot of pleasure out of following the roon search down the rabbit hole, just like google threads. I will be listening to an album and read about the artist, and then start following along about related performers/albums.

I find it annoying that when I have followed along to find (and listen to) similar artists, occasionally the other artist link takes me to compositions, not albums, and consequently the page that gives an overview of the artist.

I can usually get to the artists albums by selecting a particular composition, clicking on the album, and then with the album clicking on the artist. That loads the artist page, including a list of albums. Perhaps I am missing something, but when I get the undesired page with compositions I cannot see anything that would let me simply toggle to albums.

I don’t think that it matters, but I am using a Samsung S3 tab to control roon on a SGC transporter.

I suspect that this is just a Roon quirk, but any thoughts would be appreciated.

You may very politely call it a Roon quirk, but it is in fact a known bug. This post describes it

It is on Roon’s to do list, but no timescale has been given. Rest assured it will get fixed in due course.

I think this bug is more prevalent in users’ search complaints than commonly realized. This bug is responsible for a lot of nonsensical search results, as you can search for a very well known artist and get back NO album results.

I failed to mention that I am using my own files and Tidal. To make it clear, the problem is not what is mentioned in the Qobuz note about there being no page for the artist showing albums - just that sometimes the chain of artists leads me to an artist page only showing compositions.

From that composition-only page, via the method mentioned in the original post, I can backtrack from a particular composition to the album that it appears on, to an artist page (with the same spelling etc.) which talks about the artist and lists albums.

It is as if there is an attribute to the search that shifts the focus to compositions, but it is not displayed, nor is there an immediate way to toggle it to show the other info about the artist. Thanks for the feedback.

When you land on an artist page that is incorrectly showing only compositions, do you have an album by them in your library?

In most cases I do not have an album by them in my library when this issue arises - I suspect that I never have them in my library, but I am not certain.

And I believe that the bug never occurs if an album is in your library.

I agree. But as I said, Roon are aware.