Seeing issue loading database message

same hi after the update, Roon Audio will not start up.

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I’m back in business after a huge Windows update received today. Try to see if you are running latest Windows update. Worked for me.


is updatet to day. no new update.

that is bad, i just remove roon audio from my computer, and install it, but same problem, that is bad.

back to j river this ■■■■ here is not good.


Go to Windows update and make sure you are up to date before giving up.


Ii have don that two time now no update to my windows.

Your database is more than likely screwed, to use a technical term.

Do you have backups?

No I dont have backup, but when unstall roon Audio from my computer, and install it it is the same.

Hmm, that issue about trouble loading your database points to a corrupted database.

It would seem that the old database is still being used, since a new database shouldn’t be displaying that type of message.

How did you uninstall Roon, by using Windows’ uninstall function, but telling it to keep all databases?
If so, that would seem to be the problem. Roon is still using the old dataabse, which I believe is corrupted.

Find the database locations by following this guide and rename (or simply delete) the folders before installing a new copy of Roon.

If you rename the folders, then you might have some chance of recovering your database, but I doubt it.
If you delete the folders then you will lose all curation you may have done.

Even though you have no backups, if you have already tried to remove Roon and it’s database, thereby presumably losting any curation you may have done, you won’t be doing any further harm if you delete the database when you uninstall Roon.

I’m not Roon @support, but just another user, so you may want to wait to hear from them.

BTW - If you had taken Roon Backups, there probably wouldn’t be such a deep problem.

I am back to normal operation after receiving an uber windows update this morning.

Did you get a message like this? If not, then probably not the same problem.

Oops. Sorry I spelled your name wrong, Geoff. I’m sure you get that a lot, but still… getting folks’ names right is very important.

Hi @rene_jensen — Sorry for the trouble here. Would you kindly use the directions found here and send us over a set of logs using a shared Dropbox link? Thanks!

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