Setting up my Nucleus

Roon Core Machine


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Description of Issue

I received my Nucleus today and am having issues setting it up. I had a free Roon trial which expired. I re-subscribed with the new free 12 month subscription.
My data, albums, playlists… etc. are not showing up.

Would someone be able to call me and walk through?

Paging @beka

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Hello @Tim_Keough,

Can you describe what steps you have take so far to setup the Nucleus.

Hey @Tim_Keough,

It sounds like since we talked over email, you have successfully redeemed your 1 year of Roon on this account. That’s great!

As far as migrating from your initial Core to the Nucleus, we’ve put together a guide so that you can restore all your data on your new Core, the Nucleus. You can find it here:

I am sorry that at the moment our team is not equipped to help over the phone. But both our accounts team and our technical team are here to help :nerd_face:


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