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still a fan of the platform, although I miss a simple overview about what my friends are currently listening… no idea why they removed this?

Yep I have it, it wasn’t expensive for a year so took the plunge.

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5x5, top artists for the month! Share your grid

Roon should do this for us!

Rob Is that a desktop only feature as I don’t see it on mobile?

I can get this for albums or artists in the last 30 days

I used an iPhone app called Finale. There are a few mobile apps that do it, not sure if the base Last.FM app can do it. The benefit of Finale and others is to have a Shazam like feature to recognize songs out in the wild. Shazam adds them to a Spotify playlist that I sync to Tidal, I don’t yet have same flow figured out where I could eliminate Spotify.

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Thanks I would have wasted more time looking for that :+1:

Only signed up for last week, so my profile is still evolving…

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Here it is. I hope the evolution is apparent. So much to discover, so little time!

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here’s mine!!

This thread needs more love… Here’s mine: