Showing (off) your Roon setup - description and photos [2021-04 .. 2021-09]

Multiple turntables is the curse I have since I don’t own one with swappable headshells. Plus the Dual is like a family member at this point. It was made the same year my wife was born, and she fears breaking styli, so an all automatic direct drive made the same year as her is just the ticket! :blush:


That’s cool! Yeah, mine is in between two metal bookends so it keeps airflow regardless of book use. My Tetras aren’t very efficient, but I don’t turn them up very loud anyway and just use them at conversation level.

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Good point. I have swappable headshells and one turntable. MM, MC and mono all just a hex away!


beside the active ATCs in my livingroom, i listen a lot to music at the desktop too.
this is how it looks

a pro-ject Pre Box RS Digital as DAC / Tube-Pre and active Adam Artist 5
roon R.O.C.K on a Intel Nuc, Music on a Synology NAS
These Adams speakers are now 10 years old and they still do sound fantastic as Desktop speakers. Have a Artist Sub 7 too, but i like the sound more without a sub.
Monitor is Eizo 32 inches so that the proportions are clear


Just recently Roon’d: 2019 iMac; RME ADI 2 FS DAC; Rogue Sphinx 3 integrated amp; Sonus Faber Sonetto IIs; Sennheiser 660S


Oh I have swappable headshell on the Garrard but thats boring…lol
More fun to have four turntables!


Hi,. My system consists of Well Tempered Versalex TT with Kiseki Purple Heart cart, Devialet 220 Expert Pro. And Sonus Faber Stradivari. Roon is running on a QNAP HS 251+ NAS, (8GB), core on a solid state USB attached drive in the adjacent room. I tweaked the room and speaker position over 6 months and the speakers integrate beautifully, sounding fantastic.


Turntables, bicycles, guitars… the correct amount to own is always N+1.


When you swap headshells/cartridges don’t you have to recalibrate for the different geometry of the new cartridge?

I just had my HiFi shop put a Sumiko Starling into my new VPI TT. Too harrowing a process for my usual ham fisted approach to things.

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Yes you do, but I have it down to a fine art on my Garrard.
For all the carts I have ready mounted in headshells I already have marks around the VTA adjustable collar for where each needs to be set at.
A quick zero of VTF and reset to correct tracking weight and I’m ready to roll.
Probably 2 minutes each swap now.

I admit when mounting a new cart to a headshell it’s a little nerve wracking and I use a magnifying glass but no disasters yet…touch wood!

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That is so true!
I have to add records into that as well!

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I have audio technica all from the same range/weight etc, so I can just swap about.


I hear ya. I had my Ortofon 2M Black aligned by Echo Audio in Portland, OR…and I think it is going to live on that TT forever. Thankfully the stylus is easily replaceable when it dies.



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With the Sumiko Starling, I don’t plan on mounting another cart.

I also have a VTA adjustable tonearm, but I plan to use it to differentiate between 180gm and regular thickness vinyl.

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If I ever get another turntable, I think it will have to be a VPI model that has the on-the-fly VTA adjustment. My two Pro-Jects have VTA adjustment, but the tonearm columns aren’t perfect, so the adjustment can be wonky. My Dual has a great VTA adjustment method…but if that part breaks, the TT is toast. Therefore, I haven’t touched it since setting up the Ortofon cart years ago.

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Yeah, I bought an Scout, upgraded with a Prime platter and 10 1/2 arm with on-the-fly VTA.

More than I originally planned on (as usual), but I got a good deal form Upscale Audio.


Second to Upscale Audio and their Super Prime Scout.

Yep, I buy tubes and most of everything else there.

What are Turntables again? Is that some new way to eat different food? :rofl::rofl::rofl: