I don’t have an other half dictating removal of the big rig rom the lounge - it’s all at my own behest.
I’ve got a whole lot of organising to do to set up my primary stereo/music system up and running in my new music room - which bizarrely includes an SACD/blu-ray player and my beloved old Panasonic plasma TV.
I’m not familiar with the Roodial…do you have the X16 set up as fixed volume and then use Roon for volume control? When you initially power on, does Roon/X16 remember the last volume setting?
There’s a lengthly discussion of rooDial in the community here:
In my current setup, I’m not actually using it for volume control. The Gustard X16 is set up as fixed (0 dB attenuation) and the Topping Pre90 preamp manages volume control. I can operate the remote control for the Topping with my eyes closed, so I don’t mind using its remote.
I use the rooDial for playback control. I have rotation configured to fast forward/rewind/scrub through the track. Helpful if I’m looking for a particular part to play for someone. I tap once on the top to skip to the next track…makes it easier for me to work through some of the longer playlists that I’ve imported into Roon to find cool new stuff. Double-tapping pauses playback so that I can refresh my beverage. Long-press takes me back to the start of the current track or to the previous track.
The cool thing about rooDial is that it’s very configurable. It could work well as a volume control if I just left my preamp set to around 10 dB louder than my typical listening level and enabled Roon’s DSP Volume (which does remember level settings), but with my DAC, there are some minor compromises when doing so…for example, no native DSD or MQA playback (not that these matter a ton) and slightly elevated CPU usage on my endpoint since it has to do the calculations and final dithering.
The main thing I like about rooDial is that I can use it as a basic playback control. This enables me to leave my phone, with all of its distractions, in another room when I’m dedicating some time to listening to music. Cheers.
Hidden in the basement directly below the sideboard
Roon Server on Gigabyte BRIX GB-BACE-3160 Mini-PC (Intel Celeron, 8 GB RAM, 2TB SSD) operated with Win10.
In the Roon DSP I integrated a convolution filter (4x64k taps) for room correction and linear phase XO (crossover at 120Hz), calculated with Acourate (https://www.audiovero.de). The small Celeron in the Brix has still enough power to compute the convolution in real time (3x) without any trouble.
Krell Evolution 2250e power amplifier driving the full-range speakers in the Horns.
Hidden in the drawer
RME ADI-2 pro FS. It has four separate analog outputs. Two are directly driving the Krell in the basement, the other two are driving the Woofers. The four DACs get their signal via USB from a Raspberry Pi fed by the Roon convolution filters.
Pro-Ject Phono Box RS (not audiophile but nice enough for the Shure) connected to the analog inputs of the ADI-2 Pro. I run a self made Roon Extension to playback the turntable input with Roon.
Add my name to the long list of Home Audio Fidelity fans. I’ve happily used Thierry’s filters for years now in both my home theater and living room, where I recently made a few changes that required new measurements for an updated set from HAF.
Compare the show-off photo posted previously to see what’s new:
• Meridian DSP5200SE speakers with Gaia feet replace DSP5000.2 pair from 2003
• New 12" woofer, acoustic fiber and amplifier update ancient NEC subwoofer
• Allo USBridge/DigiOne Signature transport replaces almost-as-good DigiOne Sig
• FireTV Cube > HDMI extractor > iFi S/PDIF Purifier delivers Amazon HD music using voice command
• Blue Jeans (Belden) digital cables replace generic
• Ceramic sculpture by Linda Wervey Vitamvas
Sharp-eyed observers will appreciate a view of the Rio Grande valley where, from this angle, the narrow top of Georgia O’Keeffe’s Pedernal mountain in the distance is centered over Black Mesa at San Ildefonso Pueblo.
“I can sum all bass frequencies below 100 Hz to mono, which effectively eliminates things like groove noise and turntable rumble, which are out of phase. Most LP’s are summed even higher (140 Hz) when cut, but I chose a little lower pole out of caution and because my turntable’s very quiet.”
All this takes some time. At the moment I work on further improvements on my current rooExtend portfolio. Next I will introduce rooHead for Headphone equalization
and rooWatch to control Roon with an Apple Watch, much better as the simple default offered by Roon
After all this I will start serious work on rooLP. I expect it may be ready next summer.
Best DrCWO.
Thanks so much for your kind words. I’ve had a lot of fun putting the room together over the years.
Although I use Room EQ Wizard frequently for analysis and verification, I’ve never actually used it for “EQ”, ironically. I should give it a try at least once for my own education, but I’ve become enamored with the time-domain and phase corrections that are possible with FIR filters.
@DrCWO . But I use the Microsoft Surface dial to also control the Volume my TT and the CD or even Apple TV - all which are connected to my Roon Ready Simaudio Moon 390 Network Player / Preamplifier / DAC
I run the Roon Core on a Intel NUC which is on all the time. “Volume control during Playback” in Not ticked under RooDial Settings in Roon.
I am able to use the Surface Dial with any of the other connected equipment are playing. Lovely piese of software
I’d love to give it a try myself for fun and also to help friends that don’t want to pay for Audiolense XO (which I’ve been really happy with) or Accurate or the others.
@dabassgoesboomboom, you should better get Acourate. Sure, it costs $$$ but I never got satisfying results with REW and RePhase. Spent some time tinkering with it.
Acourate produced very good and reliable room correction incl. perfect phase. But you have to learn how to use it first
Hi CWO - I’ve used Acourate but am very happy with Audiolense XO these days. Both are considered ‘state of the art’, with a few other solutions out there.
I plan to re-try the latest Acourate update soon - I read good things about the latest update.
Regarding frequency correction I think Audiolense is as good as Acourate. Correction of the group delay is definitely better with Acourate. Look at the step-response of your corrected system. If there is one steep step up and it then decays slowly in the first 10ms (0.136 to 0.146 like below) you are fine, whatever tool you use. It should be like the response of a full-range driver.
If your step-resonse looks like this, you have an issue with the group delay correction.
Acourate delivers what you see in the first image.