Simplified Chinese translation / 简体中文翻译维护讨论区

@Colt_Ma Hi, Want to know what you think of the word “genre”, which do you think is better translated as “类型” or “流派”? My idea is that “流派” is more in line with the definition of this word in Chinese Music software. :face_with_monocle:

一般的可靠参照案例为 Apple Music App, 其中 genre = ‘类型’。

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There is a problem in the latest version of the software, especially whether it needs to use the unexpected long symbol in the text translation.


@noris The font of the “focus” module in simplified Chinese is not fully displayed, which is very strange. Please investigate the reason

the Simplified Chinese language will be on ROOT ARC;
I’m working on it. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


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We are pleased to inform you that the simplified Chinese version of ROON ARC has been translated into Chinese. I will update the following new entries as soon as possible, and welcome feedback if you have any questions.

很高兴通知大家,ROON ARC 简体中文版本的汉化已完成;后续的新词条我也会第一时间更新,如有问题欢迎反馈。

roon 2.0版本里面的Conductor为何全部翻译为“导体”了?

@Qiu123 is asking, how come in the Chinese version of Roon 2.0, (orchestra) conductor is being translated into (electrical) conductor?

Just a translation error I presume. To enable a correction to be made, what should it be?

“conductor” should be translated as “指挥家”