Slow progress - traffic jam on the data highway

Roon Core Machine

Affects probably every device and operating system that is connected to the Internet. Very old and slow processors, too little main memory for larger databases can also be traffic jams on the data highway, but bottleneck at home is another problem.

Networking Gear & Setup Details

If no wifi overloaded, no cables loose, good DNS settings (Google, Cloudflare…) are used and it still remains slow…

Connected Audio Devices

Devices are all set up and usually play perfectly and flawlessly, just slow right now and temporarily

Number of Tracks in Library

From a few hundred to several million

Description of Issue

There are many examples, one selected:

A preliminary comment:

I share this frustration at times, but my reflection is along these lines.

My reasoning:

I’m buying an old used bike because it gets me around faster than walking.

On my bike trip I discovered that driving a car is even more comfortable and much less exhausting. So I buy a cheap car.

On a car fair I realize, there is still much more driving comfort, than with my car gives.

So I buy the newest, most comfortable and most expensive model of the fair and drive immediately many thousand kilometers to my favorite vacation area.

The first drive was fantastic, the highway in the third lane without use and I was at my destination in a short time. Practically as fascinating as heaven on earth. That’s Roon!

On my return trip, I come on a weekend totally relaxed and happy in a traffic jam. Nothing works, I need many hours longer for everything, can’t find a connection to the next gas station and mostly nothing goes forward at all. Frustrating, like hell on earth. Is this Roon?

Should I contact the vehicle manufacturer because they sold me the wrong car?

We indeed need more observation of the networks and loads in house, on the way to the destination (Roon servers, service providers, providers…).

Everyone who has ever made a phone call, surfed the Internet or listened to music knows the problem. Is there a traffic jam on the data highway? Is there a failure at the provider? Are my networks fail-safe and smartly designed? Is the Qobuz interface strong enough for the weekend rush? Is Tidal having trouble delivering its data to Roon right now? Is Amazon AWS overloaded? Is another war-related attack on our networks taking place right now? Did the latest Microsoft, Apple, Google or vendor update work for my Linux distribution? Have the right audio and graphics drivers washed ashore? Is everything really working and up to date for me? Roon doesn’t change much on the Nucleus. Very conservative approach from the hardware to the operating system. Only desired functions and small improvements are built into the program itself. There a consideration or vote would be important, what do we really want. Are we just whiners as another from the community put it after his frustration. I think not and a reboot solved everything temporarily for Him. Happyness came back because he was willing to take the detour that was recommended by the community.

There are so many variables, but also the program code is important and I perceived that there is active work going on there. We can only all wish it would get better with a few lines of code, but congestion from the information superhighway always means having an alternate plan. Resolve the frustration productively with music. Roon isn’t the only way to get there, but it’s certainly the most comfortable when the data highway is clear.

If you don’t want to think long there, go back temporarily to where you were before. Why not put on an LP on the weekend, enjoy the CD or the download? The artists earn so much more if we don’t always want everything only in the stream.

…and if there is no traffic jam on the way back, again the highest comfort and the best result comes to our ears.

Yes we may be frustrated and fascinated. Feelings have their justification and thanks for sharing.

We must endure this together!

It would be nice if we could discuss this in the community and also with the team. We should make a start and then the team may lead us again in the right direction and improvement.

This is what we need:

Helpfulness and happy sharing

I honestly have no idea what this post is about


Then I did not find the clear words that are needed.

If someone finds his system is slow, he has here the opportunity to verify the variables for data jam.

It is not always Roon, it is not always users, but the third lane that is not free in every wave of travel.

The team can give us more (general) advice here about Slow.

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Sometimes less is more :rofl:

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@ged_hickman1 that’s right! :rofl:

A big,old and unsolvable problem with me plus automatic translation…

I hope the community and moderators help further if the good intention goes completely in the pants.

I don’t think this belongs in Roon Support category. Please move it.


Done…think it’s more category appropriate now.


I had another category in mind, but this works. :rofl:

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I had thought about what would be better here, but if now three people think that it works better this way, this small change has already brought success… :rofl:

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What a bizarre thread.

Yes sometimes the internet is slow. Is it your contention we should post here when our internet is slow? I think we could all probably find better things to do.

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