Slow searches in Roon (ref#DXB8A5)

Hi @Andrew_Stein,

Thanks for sharing additional timestamps. From a recent diagnostic, we’re seeing your Nucleus continually attempting to identify tracks in your library, sometimes taking minutes to succeed or fail. For example:

Trace: [identification] <1235759> Identifying album [Various Artists - The Fame Studios Story: 1961-1973] with 75 tracks

This could likely be due to the tracks themselves potentially not being officially released or containing improper metadata, or simply not matching or shaking hands with what Roon has stored for album/track info.

How many compilation records or tracks from ‘Various Artists’ would you say you have in your library?

Switching directions in troubleshooting (again make sure you have a recently saved backup): what happens if you only rely on your Qobuz library, and disable all your locally watched folders? Does search remain slow?

According to the Finder, my Various Artists folder holds over 11,400 items. Assuming that some of those items are the folders themselves, I probably have at least 11,000 tracks under Various Artists. I typically rely on metadata obtained from automated sources, except I have inputted them manually for certain obscure titles.

I can try disabling local searches and reenabling Qobuz searches, but is there a way to fix the issue with the Various Artists searches?


Hey @Andrew_Stein,

Thanks for following up!

What does Roon Settings>Library>Clean Up Library look like for your database? Performing a library cleanup may help if you have overlapping metadata.

I’d make a fresh backup first, in case it removes or changes your library in unwanted ways.

Let us know how things feel after performing a library clean up. :+1:

Hi. It offers these options:

What should I do? Thanks.

For NOW DO NOTHING , wait until @benjamin can comment , you could lose a lot of data !!! Clicking Clean up Library will DELETE THESE FILES FROM THE LIBRARY.

That 40928 figure is scary . it means that you have what you believe to be an active drive BUT Roon doesn’t see them as it doesn’t see that drive , it could be a corrupt disc etc

This is mine , top section and middle section is zero , so everything I have set Roon to see is seen.

The bottom section shows a DISABLED USB Drive with 56078 tracks on it

Thank you for the warning.