Sluggish Performance. Large Collection

Roon Core Machine

ROCK (Linux) on NUC 10i7FNH1 // 64 GB Ram

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Netgear Orbi 960. Core attached to QNAP QSW-2014-25-A switch (connected to the router) via ethernet cable.

Connected Audio Devices

HiFiBerry Amps and DACS in 5 zones, all connected with ethernet CAT 6 cables.

Number of Tracks in Library

285629 tracks

Description of Issue

Extremely poor and slow response. Slow loading songs. (Once a song starts playing it will play to the end, but the next song in the playlist may take several minutes to queue up.) Roon is constantly adding and identifying music, and has been doing so for over a month. I wish you would take a look at the community forum postings, as so much more has been said there.