Some 192/24 rips show up as MQA files [Answered]

I have done many (over 10,000 albums) rips of vinyl and tapes at 192/24. Some show up classified as MQA. Any reason for this? Does Roon handle these differently from normal 192/24. My rips are all done using a Pacific Microsonics Model Two, with post processing by Izotope RX3 Advanced.


Which build are you running?

(See Settings > About (top right) for info).

What build of Roon are you running? There was an earlier Roon 1.3 build that erroneously reported some PCM tracks as MQA.

Edit: Sorry, great minds think alike.

This is a known bug in Roon. I assumed it would be fixed by now, but obviously it isn’t just yet. My files were all scanned previous to the update that saw the beginning of this bug.

I could be wrong, but I think it was fixed. IAC, I was seeing the ersatz MQA files when the bug was introduced, but I’m not seeing them now.

This was fixed a while back.

@Larry_Toy, if you’re running the latest version (Build 262), it would be great if you could upload a file or two for us to look at. Just PM a Dropbox link (or similar) to @Ivan or flag @support if you need a place to upload the files to. We’ll take a look.


Thanks for the quick replies. I am using 1.3 Build 242.


That build had a few bugs in the sniffing code from MQA, that have since been fixed. Upgrading to the latest build will correct the false identifications for your tracks.

Thanks. Will do.

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I updated to 262. About how long will Roon take to remove the MQA markings on my albums. I have about 600 albums with the MQA designations (none are really MQA) out of about 12,000 albums. Thanks. Larry


There are so many variables (CPU, Memory, Disk, Network performance and the files themselves) for us to estimate this; if you know the original number of false MQA albums, wait an hour, then check what the number is … the difference will give you an approximate number of corrections per hour figure.

Thanks, Carl. It looks like it is reducing by about 100 albums an hour. So should be done by this evening.

Much appreciated. Larry

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