Some Qobuz Tracks Listed as Unavailable Within Album

I was just attempting to listen to Gordan Nikolic’s Mozart recordings on Tacet. Each album has multiple tracks available and multiple tracks unavailable. Is there a reason for this? I don’t think it’s just Roon since it also seems to hold for the Qobuz app. Tidal has access to all the tracks but in 44.1 not 96.

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Hi @Aaron_Garrett,

Thank you for your patience and we apologize for the delay in officially responding to your inquiry.

When tracks on an available album are listed as “Unavailable” within both Qobuz and Roon, this indicates that Qobuz has not yet gained permission from the record label or distributor to distribute those recordings. The mechanical, digital, and performance rights are not in place for Qobuz to make this track available in your country of residence. Sometimes, Qobuz will have rights to certain formats or filetypes of a recording on a certain album, but not the remaining tracks on the album. Usually, this is the result of an existing previous contract that permits the distribution of some recordings that happen to have been compiled on a new album.

Unfortunately, Roon does not have the influence or ability to affect the timeline or outcome of Qobuz’s negotiations with distributors and record labels. Hopefully, the Nikolic Mozart recordings will be fully available in 96k for you to stream via Qobuz soon.

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Thank you for the explanation.

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