Songs on Qobuz playlist not added to My Library

Roon Core Machine

Macbook M1 Pro, Ventura 13.1, 32GB RAM

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Connected Audio Devices

Bluesound Node N130

Number of Tracks in Library

4000 tracks

Description of Issue

New Roon user. When syncing Qobuz - my music is shown under My Qobuz in playlists, and in the My playlists section. However only a limited selection (around 400) of my songs from Qobuz are shown under Roon Home/My Library.

I suspect this is because most of my tracks are saved to Qobuz playlists and not under favourites, and imagine that only the favourited tracks are shown under Roon’s My Library section.

When I add songs from a Qobuz playlist to Qobuz favourites they are then added to My Library in Roon.

I haven’t found a way to add all songs on a Qobuz playlist to Qobuz favourites, I can only add them 1 by 1, so this isn’t a solution. Moreover I can’t trust them to sync from addition to a playlist to My Library.

How can I either get songs on my Qobuz playlists to be added to My Library in Roon, or add my Qobuz playlists to Qobuz favourites in a single action?

Most probably, this will help:

Thank you for this… I actually tried this previously (and again upon your recommendation just in case). Unfortunately it creates a local copy of the playlist under My Stuff/Playlists, but doesn’t add the songs to My Library.

Additionally, the Add to Library icon for the local copy is still greyed out, requiring manual addition of each song.

I am (trying to) thinking this through, and I have noticed something peculiar, with no explanation yet:

In the above screenshot, you see a personal Qobuz playlist.
I can select quite some tracks in the playlist and Add them to My Library in 1 shot.
However, selecting some tracks, ile the 2nd (Zaz) and/or the 4th (Florence and the Machine) disables the ‘Add to Library’ button.

Now I have to find out why!
It does not seem very logiacal to me (yet!), as otherwise you could select all tracks in 1 go and Add them to your Library.
If I think of anything, I report back.

OK, I understand the issue.
The tracks in the playlist that cannot be added to the Library are already making part of My Library.
Those individual tracks cannot be added (once more) to once’s Library, therefore the Add to Library button is disabled.
Unfortunately, this prevent from selecting all tracks in the playlist to add them to your Library, if there is 1 (or more) that already is.
For now. I can’t think of a way around this.

Thanks again Dirk.
This actually doesn’t seem to be the problem for me.
For example - I might find 2 or more songs that I am individually presented with the option to add to library. However, even if I haven’t previously added them to the library - as soon as I select more than 1 song at a time, the option to add to library is greyed out.

Appreciate your detective work

Actually upon review this does seem to be the case.
I deleted all the songs from Qobuz that did sync to My Library (Problem 1 - this in its own right is problematic within Roon because there’s no way to remove from Roon without also removing from Qobuz - requiring me to backup those songs and then add them back later).

Now I’m able to add all songs within a playlist. Problem 2 - I have songs that repeat across 2 playlists - so once I add them to the library from one playlist - I won’t be able to select all songs of another playlist that has them too and add them all in one go.

Roon support - I’ve highlighted 2 issues here. Do you have any solutions please?
From my trial so far - there’s a lot that could be good, but there seem to be some bugs or limitations in design and implementation. I’d like to use Roon as it does some things great, but these are serious problems for me.

I attempted a work around which also failed…
I added the songs from each Qobuz playlist into 1 master playlist in Roon.

Removed the duplicates from the master playlist.
Selected all songs in the master playlist and deleted them.
“Add to library” was now an option so I clicked that and it said the files were added to library
They were not

Final update - I found a workaround with a lot of work in soundiiz and exporting and organising playlists.
Still… the above should be addressed by Roon labs, hope support takes a look

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