I’m hearing more butterscotch and taffy…
Ha ha for a moment I thought… Oh shoot
I would have said more Hot Chocolate and Baileys…
With a hobnob for dunking
It is tasty!
Saying that it’s time for a glass of spiced Rum and some blues on Roon
Definitely spicier vocals!
I’m certainly feeling it now
My amplifier is now warming up and the butterscotch is becoming caramelized. Incredible!
It’s, it’s more…
yeah more.
I know it sounds like more, but I think that may be because it’s actually less.
wow my volume selector now goes to 11
Oh yeah…
More fool me I was opening this for another tirade on SQ , serves me right for sleeping
35 posts were split to a new topic: Whisk(e)y loving objectivists’ corner
You’ve no idea of my delight at discovering their full discography on Qobuz last week! First saw the movie at a student friend’s house on Betamax…
Very big improvement with the latest build. Now I can hear John Myung’s bass and Lars Ulrich keep time on a regular 4/4…
Thanks Roon!!!
I had to put a heavy blanket over my Nucleus to fall asleep last night. Build 778 is that beautiful.
Large oilrig keep time??
Roon’s miracles
Wow. Engelbert Humperdinck almost sounds like he’s alive!