Sonicorbiter 2.5 operating system

My 2c:

There’s a historical expectation with software that goes like “You buy this now and I will work for you for free forever”. This in my opinion is an unacceptable implicit standard. Especially for small operations such as Sonore or Audirvana. If we want quality software we must support the people who produce it.

How to implement this is tricky. Subscription is one (I pay for Adobe soft every month); charge for major releases is another.

Now in my opinion there are a few misses here:
1- Naming: It should’ve been named 3.0. Seriously. Just think about the messaging. Plus the reviews: “Sonicorbiter 2.5” is massively unclear.
2- Distribution: It might well be that a web-based update is just not possible given many changes in the basic OS. Jesus needs to make this very clear.

It doesn’t really help much that Jesus can be a little flippant at times (you know you are!). I personally don’t mind but some people do.
