I too am having this exact same problem. I recently let my Roon membership expire, and thought I would try out some alternatives. During this period of expiry, I did the following on my laptop: installed Logitech Media server. Firmware downgraded my phone, which involved turning off all my firewalls and then turning them back on later.
This morning I am having a real go at solving it. I have restarted all my equipment, including router. turned off firewall completely. Refreshed the devices in roon. restarted my laptop. uninstalled Logitech media Garbagebin. No luck.
I can easily see my OpticalRendu in the sonicorbiter settings page. I have changed it to a different mode and then back to Roon ready.
No luck. Cant get OpticalRendu to show back up in Roon. I can use my phone as a Roon remote, no problem.
I am running the latest Roon, build 884 on windows 10.
If you haven’t done this already, it’s worth checking if the Rendu’s web interface (under Apps - Dac Diagnostics) shows an attached Dac. I believe that if no dac is recognised and shown here, it will not present itself at all to Roon. On the few occasions this happened to me, un- and reconnecting the usb cable to the dac has worked for me.
Didn’t work. I tried removing the Rendu from my router list, and letting it start fresh. I tried unplugging everything, and then plugging in the ROuter, waiting, opticalmoduledeluxe, waiting, rendu, waiting, DAC, waiting. Still didnt work.
There is no DAC showing on sonic Orbiter. Clearly that is a problem.
but going a step further backwards, Nor does it appear that Roon Ready is ready. If I try “Roon Ready Diagnostics”, I get " > ## Error 500 Service unavailable This web service is unavailable."
I think I ended up bricking my opticalrendu, so this is maybe moot now.