Sonore opticalRendu no longer available in roon

Core Machine

Core - roon rock
Roon version - 1.8 (build 790) stable
RoonOS version - 1.0 (build 227) stable
OS version - Firmware 1.0(build 227) stable

please see below:

Network Details

UniFi network all wired - please see below:

Audio Devices

  • Sonore opticalRendu
  • Sonore opticalModule

below screen print from three days ago highlighting the opticalRendu:

Description of Issue

Unfortunately, my Sonore opticalRendu disappeared from my audio device selection list overnight.

However, the opticalRendu is still available / visible through the sonicorbiter web interface and through my Unifi web interface.

opticalRendu available through the sonicorbiter web interface:

opticalRendu available through the UniFi web interface:

I have restarted my roon rock core, the UniFi network system and the Sonore opticalRendu + Sonore opticalModule without any luck.

Any suggestions on how to get my opticalRendu back into roon would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance!!!


I would first verify the IP address of the Rendu is on the same subnet as the Rock Core.

Also, according to your screen shot, the Rendu has been up for over 25 days, which is unexpected if you had rebooted it.

Hey @Andreas_Hahn,

Thanks for taking the time to let us know of the issue you’ve ran into - I’m terribly sorry for the delay in replying :pleading_face:

I was wondering if @Rugby’s suggestions helped (thanks @Rugby)? Is this still happening? Can we help at all :nerd_face: ?

I too am having this exact same problem. I recently let my Roon membership expire, and thought I would try out some alternatives. During this period of expiry, I did the following on my laptop: installed Logitech Media server. Firmware downgraded my phone, which involved turning off all my firewalls and then turning them back on later.

This morning I am having a real go at solving it. I have restarted all my equipment, including router. turned off firewall completely. Refreshed the devices in roon. restarted my laptop. uninstalled Logitech media Garbagebin. No luck.

I can easily see my OpticalRendu in the sonicorbiter settings page. I have changed it to a different mode and then back to Roon ready.

No luck. Cant get OpticalRendu to show back up in Roon. I can use my phone as a Roon remote, no problem.

I am running the latest Roon, build 884 on windows 10.

If you haven’t done this already, it’s worth checking if the Rendu’s web interface (under Apps - Dac Diagnostics) shows an attached Dac. I believe that if no dac is recognised and shown here, it will not present itself at all to Roon. On the few occasions this happened to me, un- and reconnecting the usb cable to the dac has worked for me.

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Didn’t work. I tried removing the Rendu from my router list, and letting it start fresh. I tried unplugging everything, and then plugging in the ROuter, waiting, opticalmoduledeluxe, waiting, rendu, waiting, DAC, waiting. Still didnt work.

There is no DAC showing on sonic Orbiter. Clearly that is a problem.

but going a step further backwards, Nor does it appear that Roon Ready is ready. If I try “Roon Ready Diagnostics”, I get " > ## Error 500 Service unavailable This web service is unavailable."

I think I ended up bricking my opticalrendu, so this is maybe moot now.

Hi Brian,

maybe trivial, did you try something like that?

Just let us know.


Sorry for not posting a solution earlier, but it turns out this was a hardware issue and required a physical fix.

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