SonoreUPnP Bridge (beta)

Those are two different protocols where one is an endpoint used as an output for a remote player and the other is the player locally. This is not the case we are talking about here. What we are talking about here is the same protocol where your device is the player regardless. Playback this way is identical if you are sending it the same stream and thus indistinguishable. BTW I don’t have to rely on forum speculation because I can measure it.

That was a promotion that is no longer available. Also, we don’t want to continue to offer so many different hardware platforms because it’s to expensive to produce and maintain them.

Simon says, …native UPnP…" Sorry, but that made me laugh:) Either way it’s native UPnP even if you don’t think it is. If it weren’t native UPnP it wouldn’t even be possible to play to your device because it only support that protocol.

MQA in Roon will upsample and you will need to support up to 24/96. Why wait for MQA…you can resample with Roon already.

That is not true…we are providing general support for the SE and it gets updates as needed. It’s just not on the same development path as the microRendu and ultraRendu.