Soon to be Released: FiiO R9

Don’t know if I’m doing something silly, but my R9 still shows as an R7 under Roon Ready. In settings it tells me I’m on the latest version of the R9, which shows as 1.0.4. Im also on the latest Roon version which was just released. Is yours showing as an R9 @Anthony_B?

Sorry but still on the fence over buying one for various reasons. Plex are due to release a new version of Plexamp soon and I would like to be assured that it can run that first (maybe…). Android 12 update would also help.The Roon Ready switch is done at the Roon end I believe, so maybe it needs a bit of time to get the message through?

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Yeah Android 12 is allegedly imminent and some Beta testing was going on before Xmas, as per info from the FiiO reps on Avforums. Any requests for progress on this are falling on deaf ears though over there.
Reagrding the R9 in general it is an absolutely sensational piece of kit imo. I just use for late night headphone listening using Roon 99% of the time, but as you’ll be aware it is a multi purpose player and I am only scratching the surface of what the player can do.
Regarding purchase, I noticed the other day that Advanced MP3 Player online store was selling one recently at £999 that they were calling a “sample” item. I think that is now gone but they are selling an R9 that is missing dust covers at £200 off, eg £1299

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If its identifying as R7 then Fiio have not updated their firmware yet. They did same with the SR11 that it was seen as an M17 so it would work until they finally got full RR status it needed a firmware update to change this to be SR11 and then a reboot of Roon for it to see it propelry and give correct artwork and settings.

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Just checked the FiiO website for a couple of things. The latest firmware for R9 is the one I have - 1.0.04. Checked for the latest firmware releases for various FiiO products and there are several recent FW releases highlighted from the last week or so but none for R9.
Looks like they may have jumped the gun a bit by informing the R9 is now finally Roon Ready a year or more after release, but suggests it’s pretty imminent.

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Anyone get Fiio Cast to work on iOS? Just received S15 yesterday and it wont see it at all, I can use QR code to add it but then after app closure it wont reconnect and have to do it all again. Fiios software needs some work for hifi stack usage, fine on a DAP but needs to improve for these devices. Like the R9 it also advertises as an R7 at moment.

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I noticed the following on the FiiO website regarding Roon Ready for S15

  • Roon Ready certification is in progress. The specific passing time is subject to FIIO’s official notice.

Yeah but it works now , it will have some niggles most likely but I am happy with how it sounds.

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Still waiting for this to go Roon Ready. Presumably at FiiO’s end as Roon have announced it, and the FiiO posts on social media appears to be just replicating Roons announcement.