Soon to be Released: FiiO R9

I’ll maybe ask what’s happening over on Headfi. The FiiO rep looks in over there every so often.

Reply from Fiio over on Headfi

The Roon team has finally replied the email but there are some parts to be modified still. So it will take some time to get the correct R9 name in Roon still. And actually the Roon ready function is not affected.

Do you know how to rename the R9 so that it shows up as the (Roon Ready) R7? I have no idea what they are talking about.

In Roon, go to Settings, then Audio. In the Roon Ready section you will see FiiO R7 (even though you actually have an R9). Once you enable it there will be a box where you can call the R7 (as Roon identifies it) anything you like - in my case I just named it R9temp.

Another glowing review

I had hoped that would not be your answer because when I start the Ron Ready app on the R9 it actually shows up as an uncertified R9 in the audio settings of Roon. I guess that I will just have to wait for Roon to complete the certification of the R9, which after the ongoing disaster of the latest Roon update might take quite some time. Damn.

Here’s a screenshot of what’s happening:

Interesting. I know I’m not the only one who sees an R7 on Roon as it has been discussed by others on here and Headfi. I’ve no idea why you should be different. Maybe you can ask FiiO. They have their own forum, and you could ask over on Headfi as well I guess.

Same here. Replaced my (fine working) R7 with an R9. Shows up as R9 in Roon, but cannot be enabled. Embarassing for Roon and Fiio. I am very angry and disappointed


While waiting for the Roon Certification, I believe the work-around is that you can use the Wi-Fi on the R9, with the FiiO Roon App rather than the Rj-45 network cable connection and it should work.

Ah, maybe that’s what I’m experiencing. I’m not using an ethernet cable and therefore see the R7 which I then rename as R9. I’ll take my R9 to a different room where I can try and hook up with ethernet and see what happens.

You should direct your grievances towards the maker of the device, as they brought it to the market without proper certification. Whining here is completely useless.

Didn’t change for me even connecting with ethernet cable. Still shows as an R7.

Was thinking about buying an R9 but 8 months later it still isn’t on the Roon Ready list. Can it be enabled for use in Roon or not?

Yes it can be enabled for Roon Tony, it just shows as an R7. You could chose to leave it like that or rename to R9 which I did.Its a fantastic piece of kit, I absolutely love it and you’ve just reminded me to post a link to John Darko’s video of products of the year. He choses the R9.


I totally agree, the FiiO R9 is absolutely fantastic and drive just about any headphone (other than electrostatic headphones which require a special amp). I haven’t used the analog outputs (making the R9 a preamp) so I can’t comment on the sound. Still waiting on FiiO to issue the long promised update to Android 14.

FiiO is pretty slow to release firmware updates but compared to Roon’s “Roon Ready certification program” FiiO operates at Warp 8. :rofl:


It’s an Android 12 update is it not? FiiO have been asked about this update in a thread on AVFORUMS. For the last month or so some posters on AVFORUMS are doing Beta testing of Android 12 so I’d guess it shouldn’t be too long now. One poster doing the Beta testing said this
"Currently running the Android 12 beta I would say it is almost there … I filed another (non crictical) bug report this morning that I definitely would like to see fixed in the final version, but on the whole A12 feels almost ready … In the end however, it is FiiO’s decision when to go for release … "

Fiio are just about to release a new streamer/DAC called S15 and that comes with Android 12. Fiio had initially promised Android 12 in Q1 2024, so they are only a year or so out!!

Hi Kevin, could you give the link to this quote? I couldn’t find it on
Thank you very much, Frank.

FIIO Flagship all-in-one digital media streamer R9 Discussion & Impressions Thread

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Roon Ready at last! What took so long?

Wonder how long the S15 will take to get RR. The SR11 got it fairly quickly but that’s not as complicated, Linux based and has no dac.