Soon to be Released: FiiO R9

I don’t need the bigger screen.
I don’t need HDMI ARC.
I don’t need the extra power.
I don’t need USB XMOS chip.

So NO. I don’t need it Michael! :wink:


So still committed then :+1::muscle:

It’s rarely about needing though, it’s more about wanting and new shiny :grin:

And it is quite pricey :astonished:


I look forward to seeing your photos. I assume they’ll be posted by end of week :slight_smile:


This place is a bloody bad influence!! :wink: :rofl:


FiiO have told me they are still waiting for Roon to sort the Roon Ready issue with the R9. Not sure who to contact from Roon to ask about an update for this, so if anybody from Roon sees this post are they able to advise a timescale for when the R9 will show as Roon Ready?

Kevin Roon have a policy of not commenting on impending Roon Ready testing and certification, so no one is likely to respond.

There has been a bit of a backlog of certifications, though they do seem to be happening more regularly over the last couple of months.
When it passes it will go up on the partner page and when FIIO push out the upgrade it will automatically become Roon Ready and will just need to be enabled.


I think the R7 and the R9 are identical in their streaming capabilities via Roon.

Can’t you just change/edit the name in Roon in the meantime?

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Cheers Michael, yeah Fiio did say there was a backlog at Roon.

Yeah, I’ve been doing that from day one of having the R9 Martin. I just renamed the R7 in Roon Ready as R9temp.

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Thank you for this. Can anyone please explain what the term ‘technicalities’ is referring to in the description of the sound quality? I have heard the term commonly used to describe qualities of in-ear monitors but I’m none the wiser as to what it actually means or refers to.

…by creating a sound that is incredibly transparent, akin to a mirror-like fidelity, and possessing top-tier technicalities.

I think it is one of those terms that is used to mean as much or as little as the author intended :wink:

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Two ‘little wins’ this week! :grinning:

I ‘passed’ on a pair of (really cheap) Linn Active Akubarik’s, which could have replaced my Aktiv Majik 140’s & Majik 126.

And I’ve decided to pass on the R9. I’ve been using my FiiO R7/PL50 a lot recently, and I just can’t find fault with it. It’s just superb :heart_eyes:


Nice review of the FiiO R9 just posted on Head-Fi FiiO R9 review

I obtained an R9 and I really love it. There is one problem though: When using the Ethernet connector the Roon Ready App crashes after a few minutes of use. When using WiFi no problem at all with the Roon Ready app. Really strange. I did find a post on the FiiO forums though of a R7 user that had exactly the same problem. That post was from November but apparantly still no fix for this issue. It’s a pitty because I like to use my more stable Ethernet connection for Roon.

Second but smaller issue is that the R9 is recognized as a R7 though functionally it doesn’t seem to matter.

Hi Martin, can’t comment on Roon Ready with ethernet, but luckily using wifi it is stable for me also.
Regarding the R9 being recognised as R7 I got this reply from FiiO last month.
“Hi, this change is required on the ROON side.
Since ROON has been going through a restructuring of the partner team, their response has become very slow, we have not received the reply from them for more than a month, so we are temporarily unable to determine when they can correct it.”
That reply was on 24th Jan, so almost a month later it’s still in somebody’s In Tray.

The same In Tray where all the user feature requests and user bug issues are sitting. Anyway it’s a very small comfort to know that Team Roon treats manufacturers with the same disregard as Roon users.


Sorry @Martin_Kelly, but I’ll just leave this here. :wink:

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Yeah, thanks Kevin. That’s very considerate of you! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :wink:

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Another Roon update and still no Roon Ready for the FiiO R9 :cry:

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