SOtM sMS-200 Ultra Neo does not autostart Roon Ready service anymore

My SOtM sMS-200 Ultra Neo does not autostart the “Roon Ready” service anymore.

After powering up the sMS-200 I have to go into Eunhasu and restart it, although it shows the service to be running. Only after this manual restart of the service the device shows up in Roon.

I turn off the sMS-200 and my PC when not listening to music as I’d like to avoid leaving it powered on 24/7. Especially as the autostart of Roon Ready worked many months flawlessly and this new “behavior” seems like a bug to me. Maybe this changed after the latest update of the SOtM firmware (0.5.2) which I did a few weeks ago.

Roon also seems to lose connection to the SOtM when idling for some time, which is also new. But I have to carefully watch that in order to be sure.

Anyone has the same problem?

Hi, I have the problem you described with the HQPlayer NAA service not starting after power-up. I have to start it manually each time I turn it on. Historically it has worked on the ROON service but I upgraded to 0.5.2 as I swapped from ROON to NAA so I can’t tell if it was the upgrade or a problem with the NAA service. I can say its very annoying on something it supposed to be a premium product.

Unfortunately I can’t remember if I got this fixed.

I upgraded to a Sonore OpticalRendu which just works as expected and sounds better. I think this is due partly to optical fiber instead of copper ethernet but I also think the OpticalRendu is the better sounding streamer.

Same here for me, problem still not solved…

Tested it yet (using this endpoint very rarely) and yes now I’ve to reload the Roon ready service, until it will shown as endpoint in Roon.
By the way: I never shutdown the SOtM, but only the USB DAC and had never this problem before.