Spotify Authentication


As some of you found out the hard way, Spotify has stopped supporting username/password (API) authentication. This affects all available open source solutions, like the one being used by RoPieee.

Unfortunately this is not something that can ‘easily’ be fixed: the proper solution needs to be reverse engineered and Spotify is not in ‘helping a hand’ mode :wink:

The better news: there are quite a few people working on this, so I still expect this to be resolved within a few weeks. As soon as a fix is available I’ll push out a RoPieee update as well.

Keep you posted,


Thank you for the post. Spotify stopped working for me and I was about to report my issue here. Hopefully, there will be a resolution. Thank you!!


A quick update on the Spotify auth problems:

The good news is that the issue has been resolved upstream (in the open source project that is being used by RoPieee to connect to Spotify). I’ve got it working in a test setup.

However, because the authentication is changed from simple username/password, the login flow is quite different (it’s using OAuth) and requires a RoPieee change that is not trivial.

Anyways, thinks look good, but I need some time to figure out how to implement this.

I’ll keep you posted!

Regards Harry


Thank you Spockfish. I could not wait any longer and decided to go another route to access Roon/Spotify. Thank you very much for your efforts. :raised_hands: :clap: :clap:

Hi, did/could you share your solution somewhere? Thanks.

Explains my frustration thanks

See the release 2024.09.1: removing username/password will bring Spotify back.


Seems to work, yes! Many thanks!

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It is working, thanks!

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