Spotify integration with Roon, Please vote

Deutsch kann ich auch, aber leider nicht so gut als English - Warum nehmen Sie sich nicht die Zeit, die Sie nutzen um sich zu beschweren, um stattdessen jemand anderem zu helfen?

Chill out dude.
Spotify is an inferior product based on quality alone.

We probably all agree on that. But I, for one, would rather have Spotify users moping about stuff than a bunch of snobs sticking their noses up to 'em. Same applies to my reaction to the german fellow above - I’m not certain in what universe “I don’t need that” is a polite answer to “please take a minute to help me”, but I know Germany well enough to be fairly certain that the problem isn’t cultural or linguistic.


Seriously? The dude has a free vote like everyone else. It’s his choice alone if and how he uses it.
Why should he vote for something he doesn’t want?
You might want to recheck the definition of democracy.
Also, spotify users are already moaning on this forum before any integration has even occurred.

I think Spotify integration (Big Fish) is not in Roon’s (small fish) gift, so the whole proposition is mute…
I don’t want it, by the way as I am very happy with Tidal MQA and The Roon UI. Works for me…

I don’t want MQA since it is snake oil, but I’m not asking to remove Tidal support. Spotify support would be great. The number of Roon users would probably increase which increases the chance of Roon surviving. Perhaps it would also mean extra features, greater software quality… what’s not to like. Even if one just wants to listen to MQA.


I wouldn’t ask Roon to remove Spotify either, and MQA is not snake oil. You only have to listen to know this. Anyway, that’s off topic and the whole idea is in the gift of Spotify. If it happens, that’s great… MP3 all the way…

Actually 320kbps OGG VORBIS, but point taken, it’s not LOSSLESS. By the way, it doesn’t matter for me one way or the other, but I do understand why folks are asking for Spotify in Roon. And for me, it seems that the more streaming services integrated in Roon the better. Obviously, if someone doesn’t want to use Spotify (or Tidal, or whatever) they are not forced to use it, simply because it is available as an option.


Well, it is audibly lossless… :stuck_out_tongue: :innocent:

Why this isn’t everyone’s take-home is baffling.


True (and putting on my flame-war jacket), I suspect that 99%* of the folks that are concerned with those nasty mp3 files, couldn’t reliably detect whether a well encoded mp3 file (at, say, 160kbps or higher) is different from a lossless FLAC file of the same recording, in a double-blind ABX test.

*Probably 100% unless talking about using certain extreme cases and their artifacts.



I am very chilled. Dude

Nobody said or thinks that Spotify is equal or superior product, quality wise - but it IS way better is some ways for many people, such as personal play lists. And it does have a place in many homes music services for younger people especially.

You are missing the point, being gratuitously rude, and coming across like a playground bully.

Also do you really know what “Dude” means??

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Read you own posts Edmund.

I think it often gets lost in these feature requests whether the feature is actually possible. In my observation, Spotify cares zero about lossless audio and even less about the hi-fi segment of the streaming music marketplace. In the past couple years they’ve even made several moves to get further away from being a music-centered platform at all. What would be in it for them to integrate with Roon? Nothing, especially since Tidal + Qobuz already cover the vast majority of the streaming music library on Earth.

However, I think it would be technically possible for Roon to do some sort of light “integration” like making it easier to import playlists from Spotify without having to go through a 3rd party such as Tune My Music or Soundiiz. I still keep Spotify around because I like the community playlists and tools like Smarter Playlists – if Roon (or Qobuz) developed something like it, I could dump Spotify for good.

HaHa Well at least you do have a sense of humour, and your last post demonstrates irony perfectly. Well done.

Not sure where I have been elitist or snobbish (I welcome all forms of music sources be integrated with Roon if possible as long as they make the listener happy, and as for selfish reasons - what and where? - I am dumbfounded.

However we are so far off topic that I will desist and wish you well.

I’m not interested at all in Spotify until they offer at least CD resolution lossless, and preferably high-res. Doubt that will happen soon if ever. In the meanwhile, I am very happy with Tidal.



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“An important consideration is that the majority of smart speaker owners is older than 35, while the majority of music streaming users, as measured by Spotify, is much younger, as shown in the chart below. We believe this gap should close over time as older users opt into streaming services, increasing the probability that music will be one of their most important killer apps.”



This was a year and a half closed thread (July 2019) that somehow sprung to life again!

Roon’s first criteria for integration has always been a deep meta data integration. Spotify has zero reason to allow for this. Spotify integration is not happening… it is not a matter up for voting!

(and even if we did vote, we’d have to do that whole electoral college thing and all the court cases, what a mess!)

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It seems that the vote page is restricted to voting “Yes”.

I personally would rather see Team Roon working on feature enhancements and the elusive remote access issue. I know we don’t manage their backlog, but if I did, Spotify would be at the very bottom.

My Vote = No


And another „No“

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