Square Buys Tidal

So Square bought Tidal.

Folks are going to be in for a rude awakening if/when Square decides to stop allowing other platforms from accessing Tidal. Keeping users within the Tidal ecosystem and using its product instead of accessing Tidal from outside seems normal. Does Tidal really need a niche product?

Other products like Sonos use Tidal-Connect, which allows Tidal to maintain complete control of the user-experience while at the same time allowing users to stream Tidal to [product A]. This product seems unique in that it creates its own Tidal user experience which meshes with its own product not Tidal. Seems to me this is not a win for Tidal in terms of the user experience stand point, nor is it a win in terms of Tidal utilizing and creating a ROI from its Tidal-Connect feature.

With one wave of the magic wand a closed API could happen just that easy.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Square acquiring majority stake in TIDAL