Stable release 2.566 (2020/07/25)

So is the extension enabled?

I set up and enabled Pi2AES ON ROON I can play music no prob just no images on display. Is there a separate “Remote Control” that needs to be enabled? If so where is it in Roon?

Under extensions.

Ok got it!

The problem is that the iOS app does not allow you to enable extensions. I had to do it on a PC. All good now and Spotify working too, thanks!

Just an update here in case anyone else has similar issues - I re-did the whole process of flashing my sd card with riopeeexl and put back my settings after it came back up. Now everything is working at v2.566 and it seems to be able to use my usb DAC just fine. Thanks for your work Harry!

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Something seems inconsistent with Shairpoint-Sync since the update. Airplay only occasionally recognizes the device (via either Airflow or my phone).

I’ve set Audio Output to HAT and Volume Control to Software. Sometimes just updating those settings works to make the Pi show up without reboot. Sometimes a reboot is necessary before it shows up. Sometimes it won’t show up even after a reboot.

I’ve got it working for now. Will add more if it stops again and requires more fiddling. Thanks for the great work.

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