Start up roonserver on linux ubuntu

hi there. i am very interested in comparing sound quality of a dedicated windows server 2012 r2 with AO and Fidelizer pro and roon as core. i i just installed ubuntu 18 4 1 on my old laptop and de ffmpeg deppendencies and also installed roon server for linux as described on the tutoral. finally i got something like "roon server is now installed and should be running on you system , but I dont know how to start it manually pls any help??@support

Hello @wilfredo_sanchez,

Thanks for contacting support, I’d be happy to assist here. Can you please confirm that you have installed cifs-utils as well on your setup? Also, just want to confirm, you have been using this tutorial as to set up RoonServer, correct? Have you used the Easy Installer method or are you performing manual installation?

The commands for Easy Installation should be as follows:

$ curl -O
$ chmod +x
$ sudo ./

Please let me know if these instructions help.


If the server is running, it should be running as a service, and its status should show up if you execute the following command:

systemctl status roon*

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You can also run htop and see if the Roon processes are running. It will automatically run on boot if you hav done everything correctly.

If you’ve followed the instructions provided by @noris then RoonServer should be installed as a service. Expanding on @cookie_man’s reply, here’s how to start manually.

sudo systemctl status roonserver.service – Check current status of the service
sudo systemctl stop | start | restart roonserver.service – Use either stop, start or restart to manually control the service

BTW, you can omit the .service at the end. Also, to list all services type systemctl list-units --all --type=service.

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hi.I cannot just install cifs-utils as well as ffmpeg, " no se ha podido localizar el paquete cifs-utils" I did the command update also but no way to run

Can you post the out put from the following:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ffmpeg cifs-utils


yes… now it is running ok. i use ubuntu 18 04 1 lts with roonserver .i am testing the sound quality, the system is now this way: as core a a corei7 8th gen with 16 gb ddr4 ram and ssd with windows 10 pro with ao and Fidelizer ,with the music files on an external usb hdd drive connected via cable ethernet. then the roonserver is installed on an old easy note mh35 packard bell ,core2 with 4 gb ram and that is connected via usb to spfif converter (Halide) to my old krell dac modelm stealth. remote iroon is installed on a 3rth laptop running w10 pro.
I am planning to change the roonserver on the powerfull machine ,that should be a good idea for better audio performance???Iany suggestion on setup a better sounding setup will be great for me

I run roonserver on 18.04 i3 with 8gb of ram. I have no issues, but I also don’t get into SRC or hqplayer, however even dsd upsampling is fine with this machine when I have tried it.

I think the opportunity for better sound quality comes at the endpoint, as opposed to the server. Separating them is a good idea. I have run the sonore mR as well as ropieee on Pis that hav digi+ hats. I found almost zero difference in sound quality so I run the Pis now and am very happy.

i am using a dedicated comp. to sound only running roonbridge and connected to my dac via usbto spdif converter Halide Bridge (very good product)= and sound is gratest that allinone machine…!
I want to know the thuthh about adding an expensive Sotm usb pcie and a dedicated power supply, costing n350 and 550 respectively… its on your oppinion a must to have???

What are you saying? The Halide Bridge is better than the Allo DigiOne or is the Halide Bridge better than the Allo DigiOne? I couldn’t find any meaningful data regarding noise and jitter for the Halide.

Nonetheless, changing the power supply/ USB interface is likely to have negligible impact if the Halide is as good as I think you say it is. Whilst we need to balance objectivity and subjectivity I believe claims of improvement need a direct assessment of performance before we describe how things sound.

hello.pls i need to uninstall roonserver and roonbridge wich are the command line to do it ?

Try this:

sudo apt remove roon*

./ uninstall

Edit: Prefer @spacecase suggestion.

I haven’t tried with apt, but it may not work. I’d recommend using the uninstall option of the roon-supplied install script.

./ uninstall


greetings, Just went through installing roon on my fanless pc on Ubuntu.
$ curl -O
$ chmod +x
$ sudo ./

Seems to go through. I see lots of stuff loaded into my directories. However, I see no applications and no processes running with a name similar to roon, also I see no roon application in my startup file.

Ubuntu 18.4.3

I have done the installation three times (oops).

Any help?

Can you post the output of sudo systemctl status roonserver?

Looks ok, but I see no roon? I want to see the roon app etc etc

Roon Server is running, but this is the headless version of the software. There is no GUI for Linux. You’ll need to install the controller software on an Android or iOS phone/ tablet or install Roon on a Windows PC or Apple Mac.

Some users have successfully installed Roon on Linux using Wine. Take a look at this thread:

Thanks Martin.

Everything is working. My fan-less mini PC which i built myself is all gd. Have multiple other devices which i use as clients.
I have all my music on this pc sitting in a samba share type folder to minimise signal paths and transformations. Wont bother with using my new pc both as server and client. -have a phone app and a Macbook Air for that.

If you have any further advice, it will be more than welcomed.


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