While switching back and forth on Roons Audio settings, trying to get it to work with Dirac (which it still does not), I got an error message:
“Developer Tools needs to take control of another process for debugging to continue. Type your password to allow this” And the Roon crashes. I have a copy of the crash report if you guys need it.
Thanks for the update. That said, I’m with KnockKnock though- will “stay tuned” for better integration with Dirac Live. Although I have little with greater than 16/44.1 at present- higher res is the future and need
ROON to allow Dirac (as well as Amarra) to utilize ROON at other resolutions in addition to 16/44.1.
Excited to see ROON evolve…
I think Danny was confused about what platform you were on when he brought up event-driven mode. That was a Windows only thing that improved compatibility with a lot of virtual sound card software.
Anyways, I took a look at DIRAC today on mac, reproduced the problem you were experiencing, and got things running more smoothly. Please try the next build with DIRAC and let us know how it goes.
Will do, thanks ;=)
Now I just cannot login to my account ;=(
Hello, build 9 does not solve the static noise for me… Thanks for trying.
Noise still there, yes
@brian said that I was mistaken… it’s build 11+ you will want to try.
Roon goes to 11? Holy cow!
I would if I´d could find build 11 ;=)
Keep up the good Roon work
Just found this on the Computeraudiophile.com site, dont know if that can help you guys to track down the static noise:
Thank you XX for the effort of working on a release of the AU/VST plug-ins. As I am a lucky beta user, I would like to report that with Audirvana it works like a charm, as a matter of fact it greatly improves the usability of A+. So far, only one problem to report: the combination of 192 kHz files and the option Integer mode 2 gives the usual cracking noise. Whereas the same 192 files with Integer mode 1 no issues, just fantastic sound. Would be nice to see if I am an isolated case having this issue.
I replaced the name mentioned with XX, bcs I don’t know if I’m allowed to copy this kind of stuff
OK, that’s funny… It’s one of my comments just with another nickname…Nusa ️
sorry @KnockKnock – had some issues with the build, hopefully coming tomorrow
We were able to get Dirac to break just as you described, and we have a fix, and confirmed Dirac works for us with this fix, where it was breaking before. I’m eager for you to try this out.
Hi Danny
Yes, let me try this out
Can´t wait
I have the noise also with Dirac as output device. I can only use Roon for 44 khz playback all other sample rates are unusable. The Dirac output is to the DAC (Classe CP-800) and the DAC readout shows correct sample rate. I will be anxious to try the fix.
try build 16, its up
The static noise is gone!!!
THANXXX. I´m down on my knees
Up to 192 kHz everything now is just perfect,. Above that we have still digital noise, but lets celebrate this one first, ok?!
Best KnockKnock
Big smile on my face! Yes up to 192… And just before the end of the 14 days trial. You guys have been so efficient on solving this. Finally, I can now start organizing and explore this awesome program with confidence. Bravi!
Hi KnockKnock, what do you mean above 192… Dirac does not create filters for those frequencies…
Hi Invinoinvinoveritas
No, that´s true. But Roon downsamples the files to something that Dirac can work with AFAIK ;=)