Storage Locations Not Visible

Roon Core Machine

AMD Embedded R-Series RX-421ND, up to 2100 MHz (4 cores, 4 threads)

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Wired Ethernet
Eeros Router

Connected Audio Devices

External USB DAC

Description of Issue

Roon is no longer seeing my storage locations. When I attempt to specify the storage location Roon is only seeing the RoonBackups folder on that drive. From the NAS’ File Station and connected Mac I can see the other folders that are on the drive. Permissions in the NAS’ File Station is the same for the backup folder and the others.

Screenshot 2023-05-31 at 9.48.00 AM
Screenshot 2023-05-31 at 9.48.18 AM

It’s hard to believe that Roon can’t see the local folders on your NAS (IIRC Roon runs as user root).

Do you use the latest RoonServer app from QNAP’s app store?
Can you please provide a screenshot of Roon|Settings|Storage?

What do you see when you open Roon on a remote, click Settings and then click Storage? Are your music folders displayed?

Thanks @BlackJack and @Stephen_Horvath for the replies!

Here’s a screengrab from my Mac and from the Roon app.

I don’t have any issue at all:


You somehow still not given details about how Roon Server is installed on your NAS though.

So I assume it worked at some point in the past? What changed when it stopped working?

PS: Why does your screenshot not look more like the example below?

Sorry, I overlooked mentioning… I added a drive to my RAID to expand the capacity.

Click on the “Add Folder” button in your example and you’ll see the screen that I posted.

Thanks again for your help!

Yes I know that, it’s just nobody asked for that so far. What was asked for, I’m not talking just about that particular screenshot here, was not delivered on the other hand. This makes it not easier for people trying to help you.

So you made changes to your NAS that affect the storage – maybe its just because of stale cached data lingering around in Roon. You can try and restart Roon Server, restart the complete NAS, delete and reinstall Roon Server in an attempt to remedy the situation. Also creating a complete new Roon database by renaming the old database folder is something you can try as last resort. If non of this helps then …

… sounds a bit implausible. Check rights and ownership again, maybe contact QNAP support to help you sort things out.

I have a QNAP NAS with my Roon core and library. I had to change the folder privilege “Guest Access Right” from Deny Access to Full Access.

Great suggestions and I’m happy yet unhappy to report that I tried all of these steps.

I also added a folder through the Roon interface. That folder shows up in Roon’s dialog but it is not getting created in the file system.

Yeah, this may be one of those where I need to do that. Thanks again!

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