Support for Apple AirPlay 2 and Homepod [available since Roon 2.0 (build 1432)]

Hello, Roon team

Just wanted to add a feature request for AirPlay 2, and the soon to be out Homepod. This may be possible now that Roon App for iOS 11 works as a endpoint and music playback.


I had planned on using the HomePod as an AirPlay endpoint, but being able to combine it with Roon endpoints in one zone would be a significant improvement.

seconded (thirded really)

I also support this request.

Looks like homepod supports flac. I wonder if streaming to the homepod in higher bit rates than what airplay allows will be possible.

I also wonder.

Any updates on this now that AirPlay 2 is live?

I also assume(hoping) that Roon is looking at an update soon.
Roon does not recognize my paired HomePods.
It will play to each one individually.

Prior to Airplay2 and my pairing the Home Pods, I could group 2 Home Pods in Roon and play same stream to each.


I have 2 homepods also, and would like to use them as a stereo pair with Roon. They work great with Apple apps now that airplay 2 is live.

In the short term, Airplay 2 for MacOS should be released soon, I’n theory you should be able to create a Roon zone based on your system output, and then select your HomePod pair as an Airplay output in sound preferences. I imagine there will be some control latency issues.

Roon>Mac output>airplay>homePodpair

FWIW, clearly I have not tried this. Maybe @support can verify this should work after the anticipated MacOS Airplay update.

I’m sure the Roon team is all over this, since Airplay 2 has been no secret for over a year.

Can we at least get a statement of direction about Airplay 2 support?

I’ve been keeping the faith but the silence is deafening.

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Yes, would be nice.

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Agreed, AirPlay 2 info would be good to know about.

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It is obvious Roonlabs has some very smart software engineers. And yet they are unable to support using apple HomePods as a stereo pair. Why don’t you come out with the real reason why such a delay?


(And I had some time and edited the title)


I’ve updated my Nucleus and can connect to my Apple TV 4K after enabling Require Password. Sending audio through Roon indicates it’s playing, however no sound is coming out of the connected paired HomePods. What I haven’t got in Audio under Roon Tested is either of my original HomePods, which I have grouped as a stereo pair, though two HomePod mini’s in the house do show up.

Open a new topic in Support

Other users are reporting the same as me in other threads. I’m sure there will be an update soon.