Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)
Description Of Issue
I use HQPlayer embedded 4 on my NUC (see profile) with ubuntu server 18.04.2 and Roon Core (build 416). I can normal playback pcm content 44.1 khz with upsampling to DSD 44.1x256 but I can’t do it with pcm content 48/96/192 khz with upsampling to DSD 48x256 (playback does not start) although I can do it from native HQP interface. Why?
I do not understand anything! Roon on my NUC play 24x96 through WinHQP installed on the desktop with Win7 (HQPlayer Desktop), but does not play 24x96 through HQPlayer 4 embedded installed on that NUC. Endpoint with NAA is the same in both cases. HQPlayer settings are also the same.
Is there really a problem with HQPlayer 4 embedded ( Version 4.10.2)?
You are missing check in the “48k DSD” box under “Network Audio backend”. This means that the backend filters out 48k-base DSD rates (because most DACs don’t support it). While you demand such output with “Auto rate family” combined with 48k-base PCM input.
This same setting is also in HQPlayer 4 Desktop. But doesn’t exist in Desktop v3.
Desktop v3 and Embedded v4 are somewhat different. But Desktop and Embedded v4 use same engine.