Swapped lyrics for 'Te amaré'

Gloria Estefan’s Unwrapped contains a English (track 2) and a Spanish (track 15) version of the song Te amaré. Roon has swapped the associated lyrics. You get the Spanish lyrics for track 2 and the English for track 15.


I’m sure you can fix this. :wink:

Best regards,

Thanks for the report, @BlackJack!

I have reached out to our metadata provider and requested they make a change here. I’ll keep you updated once we hear from them.

Checked with Roon 1.6 (Build 390): So far no changes here.

Any news on this?

Hi @BlackJack,

We reached out to our metadata provider about this previously but we never received a response back. I’ll reach out to them once more regarding this and will update you when I hear back. Apologies for the delay here!