Roon Nucleus+ (rev A)
Windows 10.0.22631. Build 22631
LG laptop, i7, 16gb physical RAM
Networking Gear & Setup Details
Xfinity cable modem
Ethernet connection
Connected Audio Devices
Number of Tracks in Library
Description of Issue
Completely unable to find Nucleus+ after moving to new home and changing internet provider.
Nucleus+ worked fine up to the move.
Nucleus+ is hard wired into Xfinitiy cable modem with ethernet cable. I’ve tried multiple cables (CAT 5, 5E, 6) but this has made no difference. I’ve tried all available connections on the back of the modem to no avail.
There is green blinking light behind Nucleus+ adjacent to ethernet connection.
I have reset modem and Nucleus+ multiple times.
Regardless which computer or iPhone I use on my wifi, when I open Roon software and have it search for Roon server, it cannot find one.
When I open my modem software, there is no listing for the attached Nucleus+ device.
When I try to access http://192/168/7/242, I get an error message stating network setting have changed. This has happened every time I try to reach this address.
When I attached a screen to the Nucleus+ HDMI port, I got "Model: Nucleus+ ; OS: RoonOS 1.0 (build 259) production ; Serial 94C691A01943 ; Hostname: NucleusPlus ; Roon can be accessed by opening any Roon Remote Product. If you don’t see this device there, check “Roon OS devices on your network ; Roon OS Web UI can be directly accessed at”
None of my Roon remotes can find the Nucleus+. As noted, I am unable to reach Roon Web UI.
The cables are not likely to be the issue. The presence of the ip address in the text on the Nucleus+ display and:
suggest that the Nucleus+ is physically connected to the network.
At your old home, was the Nucleus+ configured to use a static ip address? If so, it is possible that that ip address is no longer valid in your current network.
What is the LAN side ip address (most likely starting with 192.168) of your new router? If the first three of the four numbers that make up the router’s ip address are not the same as the first three numbers of your Roon server ip address (, then your Nucleus+ is in a different subnet and can not be reached from other devices in your network that get their ip address from DHCP on the router.
Assuming that this is the problem, there are three possible ways to fix the issue by changing the Nucleus+ to use DHCP (in ascending order of difficulty):
If you have a USB keyboard available that you can plug (temporarily) into your Nucleus+ (as well as the screen connected to the HDMI port), you can reset the Nucleus+ networking setup (which will configure it to use DHCP from the router to get an ip address using the approach outlined in the Reset Network Settings On RoonOs help centre article.
If you do not have a USB keyboard available, you can change the LAN side ip address of your router to (or possibly - either will do). Once you have done this you may need to reboot any network connected devices in order to get them to pick up a 192.168.7.x ip address (or you can use approprate means to force a new DHCP lease to be obtained).
With a computer (Windows, Mac or even linux, you can:
3.1 Configure the computer to use a static ip address in the same subnet as the Nucleus+ (e.g.
3.2 Use a web browser of your choice to load the Nucleus+ administration web page at
3.3 In the network settings at the bottom of the page, set the Nucleus+ to use a DHCP address (At this point you will likely loose connection to to the Nucleus+ from the browser - but this does not matter). You may see a change in the ip address on the Nucleus+ screen (if still connected).
3.4. Configure the computer to get it’s ip address from DHCP as it was originally configured.
Wade–many thanks for your most helpful reply. I followed your #1 option, reset the Nucleus (which I suspected was needed but could never figure out how) and the device was immediately recognized.
Now, if you could just help me find the missing drive on which I had a few terabytes of music digitized to, my happiness would be complete . . .
Thanks again.
Was the ‘missing drive’ and internal drive in the Nucleus+, an external USB connected drive or a network connected storage (NAS) device?
A internal drive (and USB connected drives can be found within the network share exposed by the Nucleus+. If you open file explorer on your Windows computer and enter \\nucleusplus in the address bar, you should see a single item called ‘Data’ (I can’t remember the capitalisation ). If you enter this shared folder, should see a number of folders - one of which will be “Storage”. On entering the storage folder you should see any drives connected to the Nucleus+. An internal Drive will be represented by a folder called “InternalStorage” whilst USB connected drives will appear as folders with other names.
Note’ if you know the new ip address of your Nucleus+ then instead of the \\nucleusplus address, you could also use \\aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd where aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd is the new Nucleus ip address.
If you used a network share then you can add the share in Roon ->×Settings → Storage in the Roon Client. You should see the address of the storage - but if it employed an ip address (and not a host name) to identify the device containing the drive, then that ip address may also have changed and will need to be updated.
I wanted to check in with you here, are you still having issues with your missing music drive or have you been able to resolve this in the meantime? Is it by any chance an NTFS-formatted drive?