System is crashing/restarting frequently since update to build 667

Hi guys, too sad I haven’t heard back from you, yet. The issue has been reappearing frequently, this evening again in the most extreme way. Even with no device playing, the system keeps crashing when I simply browse in my Roon remote - no matter whether in the iOS or the Windows app. Could you see anything unusual in the shared logs???

Here’s the link again: I have added today’s logs (two more snapshots). LOGS

Disabled Qobuz (my only online service) for a bit and everything worked fine. Maybe that helps in tracking down the issue, @noris !?

Hi @Thomas_Schauer ,

Thanks for sending those logs, I took a look through them and they appeared to be consistent with the issue we are investigating.

Has this still been the case? Since you disabled Qobuz the issue has been absent?

Hi @noris, yes, as far as I have been able to test, the issue has been absent.

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