Tag Query Performance

Not only tag performance is slow, support & solving this issue too.

Another issue of mine was never solved. Still passing the information to the techs, I suppose…

I sympathize with the effort required to support and troubleshoot such a complex product across platforms and across so many hardware endpoints. It’s gotta be a lot of work.

I think this will be tough to fix because I suspect it is a core part of the data schema. It relates to tags on a related object rather than the actual objects being viewed (i.e. showing all tracks with a given tag on the artist), and I think that relationship takes a long time to calculate and display with a large library or large amount of objects.

I don’t know what a fair timeframe to expect such things to be improved. This thread is 8 months old and IIRC actually discussed earlier in a different post.

Obviously different posters have vastly different priorities as well. Fixing tags for <10 users wouldn’t be a high priority. I just go back to the way Roon markets itself, and the fact that it’s an expensive product relative to the market. It’s worth it, but certainly I think it is fair to expect at some point that functions built in and advertised will perform sufficiently to be fully functional.


All — Thank you for your patience, and more importantly, thank you for your understanding here. I can see that there are some questions about where things have been left off with our team’s investigation regarding this this behavior and would like to offer a an update.

Upon seeing these recent posts I checked our ticketing system and can see that our QA team has been actively testing using the materials we received from users in this thread. I can also see that our DEV team has been chiming in and giving our QA staff feedback on their findings/observations.

I will have to coordinate with @Mike to see if there is anything I can to do to move this process/investigation a long but the main point is that this has not been forgotten about. If you haven’t heard from us it is simple because we do not have any new information to offer, but please rest assured that we are on it.

Again, many thanks!


hi James, I understand if an issue impacts a few users it could get’s less priority.
On the other hand if a feature like tags is promoted I think it’s fair to expect all options works flawless in a fair timeframe.

Furthermore tags potency is so big but at the moment in some aspects basic, but I have sincerely confidence it will be solved someday & will be developed to a perfect feature.

Thanks Eric!
