The beer drinkers meet and greet

Never understood the appeal of wheat beer when barley was available… Sticking with the local tipple.

:face_vomiting: 10 chars

NA “beer” may come in a bottle, and look like beer, but that’s as far as the similarity goes. :pouring_liquid:

I only eat one meal per day anyway, if I were to skip a meal…

I think that’s why @garye posted a potential workaround - Guinness is classed as a meal and a drink all in one :wink: Is the one meal a day related to Buddhism? There is a temple near to where I live and coincidentally/ironically it is housed in what was formerly a public house (The Waterloo)
Home - Wat Phra Singh UK

The location was used in a UK tv show many years ago - Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps.

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I did used to drink only stouts, some being imperials (favorite was Old Rasputin from North Coast when I used to live in the SF Bay Area).

So believe me, I know about meal trick.

I am a Buddhist, but the one meal a day is not that. About six months ago while visiting Houston for a week for a chamber music festival I accidentally realized that I really don’t need that much food. Got used to just waiting till about 3pm for a meal and a cup of milk before bed. So it became a routine.


Am very familiar with the Two Pints show!

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Welcome, brother.

Remember, “An action and its consequences exist, but the one who acts does not.”.

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I start drinking beer at 11am every day. What do I win?

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An ever expanding waistline :joy::joy::joy::joy:

37 years a brewer . I can vouch for it