This PC audio devices are missing

Since today my roon remote on my windows 10 desktop no longer shows audio devices on this pc…

I am running ROCK on another dedicated NUC…
worked like a charm until today!

Windows Updates sometimes resets Firewall settings. Test by turning off the PC’s firewall and see if the audio devices appear.

@Tony_De_Lobelle there seems to be some difficulty lately in keeping ALSA (Linux devices) and WASAPI ASIO (Windows devices) cleanly apart on a mix of Linux and Windows. Try turning off your NUC, starting the Window 10 remote connection and waiting for the Roon icon where it looks for the core. Now turn on the Linux Core NUC again and it will hopefully find it, but before it does Windows 10 has fetched its own audio devices.

Already tried this…no success.

Already tried this…no success…

that is not how Roon works

The Roon Core talks to a remote installation and queries it via RAAT to discover audio devices. If something blocks that then the Core doesn’t build the audio device.

If that PC has Realtek Audio, then try updating the Realtek drivers, as they have been known to cause this issue. Any software you may have loaded recently, or any system updates occur?

The only update today was by Roon…
I will try to reinstall the raltek drivers…

Well, try rebooting the ROCK NUC first.

Already rebooted Rock nuc

Daniel, each installation picks up its own equipment and incorporates it into the transport. One last note, then I’ll shut up.

As I have described it, Roon should not work, but I have experienced myself that under Manjaro, depending on the order of the starts, sometimes WASAPI/ASIO and sometimes ALSA came.

I have experienced that internal Realtek sound cards of a machine were missing or were displayed incorrectly for another machine.

Roon does not seem to work as expected in all situations. We users are not competent enough in all problem situations to find the solutions ourselves without support. Up-to-date and working drivers are a good idea in any case.

ok…updated drivers and disabled all other sound systems on my windows pc…
rebooted windows and ROCK…
still not solved…windows sound system (my usb DAC) is not found in roon.

yesterday all was fine…today there was a Roon update (on server and remote) and the windows sound systems are gone…
I think it is fair to say that this is a Roon problem…

no other updates on my windows pc today…only Roon.

This is the first time I notice something not working after an update of Roon…
I am a lifetime subscriber for a few years now.

Is there any chance Roon is looking into this problem? I was hoping to find an answer here.

Am I the only one with this problem?

This is what update note says…

Changes for Build 952:

  • Overhauled Core/Remote connection mechanism

I guess this is what is causing my problem?

??? Roon?

OK…I solved the problem myself…

deleted all networks and re installed it…rebooted the windows pc…
and voila:

I still do not know what caused this problem…only thing happening on this pc was a Roon update…

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What steps did you take to delete all networks and then reinstall?

Just had the same problem. I deleted (disabled) all audio endpoints and then rebooted the Roon Rock. That did it for me.

When I use my office pc at home it connects to Roon but I also have this issue of “This PC” is not visible under Audio.

I’ll try this another time…

You using a VPN on the pc to connect to work? If so likely cause of devices missing. Mine go as soon as it’s enabled on my MacBook Pro.