Thread inadvertently closed?

Was the thread listed below inadvertently closed? @benjamin sent a note to @assaf_kantorovich that his thread topic would be closed as it was the same issue as the .net threadpool worker thread. It looks like both threads are now closed.

Would like to see this thread open until a solution is found, and according to Ben the problem has not been found.

Continuing the discussion from Roon 2.0 - Crashing on MacOS due to ".NET ThreadPool Worker" [Roon Investigating]:

Weird, your last reply in that thread was 6 days ago and then it was auto closed “45 days after the last reply”. Something seems not right

Was reopened

Thanks very much.

Thanks for letting us know @Scott_Purdy, looks like the thread auto-closed. I’ve reopened it so we’re all set there :+1: