Since a couple of weeks ago I have noticed the Tidal account is unable to login automatically from Roon. I need to enter by hand the Tidal account credentials each time I enter Roon. It happens from any Roon client I have. Is it some new ‘feature’?
Unlikely - but could what you’re experiencing be rated to this?
In my case the problem is the login to Tidal service. So all my Tidal albums are missing from my albums list. To have Tidal albums again on my collection i need to manually logout from Tidal, on Roon settings-Services, and login again.
I’m having the same problem, started today, and with both Tidal and Qobuz. Neither were connected this morning and I had to enter my credentials to log in. Now they’re both disconnected again, and are giving me errors when I enter my credentials. For Tidal, Roon says “failed to reconnect, try again later” and for Qobuz, it says “there was an unexpected error. Please check your account details (NOT FOUND). Both services are working fine through their native apps.
Yes, i forgot to comment on this. Tidal app is working normally while Roon is unable to connect to the service.