Tidal album won't be removed from library [Resolved]

I added a Tidal album containing one song to my library. It is on another full album now, so I wanted to remove ithe album with the single song.
Upon deletion in Roon, the link to the song in Tidal is indeed gone (doesn’t play), but the album remains in Roon.
I added to library again from Tidal within Roon, and tried to remove it subsequently again, but the album art and entry stay in Roon.
Tidal is working perfectly otherwise.

Library cleaning did not work. Any suggestions I can try?

Hi @Ruud_Verrijk ----- Thank you for the report and sharing your feedback with us, the insight is appreciated!

Moving forward, have you tried rebooting your core machine or logging in and out of TIDAL within the application?


Hi Eric, restarting the mac and installing build 259 removed the “ghost” albums (I had several of the same album).

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