Tidal albums get lost

Absolutely, and I’ve had the same thing happen numerous times - as frustrating as it is I can’t expect Roon to solve this (although as a separate issue it would be nice if the usage data stayed when you then go out to buy the album yourself). This is distinct from what I and @anon55914447 described though.

Precisely. As has been made clear several times here and elsewhere, we get that streaming catalogues are subject to change.

But Roon is in a unique position to be able to report back when a library album is removed, and with that data the user can then make the decision to either:
a) add it back in on the same streaming platform
b) search for it and sub to an alternative streaming platform (e.g. Qobuz)
c) purchase a physical copy to replace it.


I think there already is one.

Awesome. Can’t wait for it to be “on roadmap” like vertical scrolling.

This is becoming absolutely ridiculous.

Today I went to the artist page for Crippled Black Phoenix. I suddenly noticed that their last two albums (Bronze and Great Escape) that I added from Tidal weren’t in my library and had zero plays.

Checked my history


Please, for the love of god Roon, put some reporting around this.


Agreed this is super annoying. But just remember it really is a problem with Tidal. Roon aside , Tidal should be reporting when it screws with users’ designated favorites.

I completely disagree :slight_smile: . Put yourself in the position of being an LMS user. You have access to streaming services through the interface as well as your local library. But they’re not integrated, so you never “see” this problem.

Now back to Roon and part of Roon’s value proposition is that you have seamlessly integrated local and streaming libraries (and I love it for that). But it now becomes extremely sensitive to changes in the streaming service’s library cataloguing.

Roon also trumpets it’s background metadata updates, to reviews, bios, artwork etc. So with all this monitoring and the dynamic aspect of the database, is it really too much to ask Roon for a reporting function that can compare more library states between two or more dates in time?

To whom and in what format? And what then?

I’d say tidal and Qobuz should send roon an update with the deprecated albums and tracks and their identifiers and the replacements. This would allow recovery before discovery. Then roon could track, possibly.
Otherwise they have to track all X million tracks and ping Tidal every day to see if they are still there or not. All roon have is a pointer to a track, if tidal/Qobuz shuffle out the backend and don’t tell roon they would, if allowed have to go and check every track every day.
Or if you want recovery after discovery, roon would have to have a flag when track not found occurs and go looking for an equivalent.

I’m sure there are nuances I don’t get but roon only has the printed catalogue not the goods.

Well here’s the thing. There’s no need.

Because between two dates x and y, Roon could tell you what’s changed in your library. It’s that simple. You’re massively overcomplicating this.

How would they know?

I don’t understand the question, how would who know what?

I have asked for such an option for years. Under Settings/Library/Cleanup. There could be a view button right next to Deleted Files. So you could see what has been deleted. Could even be made available for the other options as well. So, you can see what you are cleaning before you press the Clean Up button.



Still happening, perhaps even more so than usual.

Tidal albums being culled from the Roon library because Tidal (for some reason) remove the album then replace with an identical one that has a different UID.

Come on Roon, it would be so easy to report on albums being removed from the library.

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Or you could just buy the albums you like and grow a personal local library that YOU are in control of?

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Yes exactly, Mike. I would like to do that if I know the album is no longer in my library because it has been permanently removed from the streaming platform.

Thanks so much for your utterly unhelpful, passive-aggressive reply.

Tell you what, if you don’t like streaming services and the integration in Roon, then you best mute this section.


Lol, ok, it was only a suggestion :grinning: It’s well known that things randomly disappear from streaming services for whatever reason, perhaps a helpful dialog box from Roon would lessen the pain?

It’s so well known, it must have been mentioned twenty times in this thread. By me alone.

Why don’t you, and this is just a general idea I’m throwing out there to anyone who wants to ‘contribute’ to any discussion not just this one, go back and read what this is actually about?

I tell you what, I’ll take your advice and mute this thread instead :+1:


Finally, thanks.

9 posts were split to a new topic: Tidal - All Neil Young albums before 1982 are gone. Thanks TIDAL!