Tidal Max, is it time to leave Qobuz?

Been a Qobuz user for quite a while but always felt their iPhone app being rather bad. Specifically their offline mode. Evaluating Tidal Max right now and if I cannot find any differences in quality I’m likely to go with Tidal since their iPhone app is much better than Qobuz.

I have no problem purchasing from Qobuz however the downloader usually fails and I have to download one song at a time.

Recently upgraded to Qobuz Sublime. And I have bought several albums. All of which downloaded successfully in one go.


I had some issues initially with the downloader, but it seems they fixed them and it works fine now.


Rudy…you must have the patience of a Saint! Just thinking about that creeps me out as I don’t have a fraction of that patience !

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Playing around the Tidal app. It’s much better than Qobuz. Tidal Connect is great and allows to easily pick from iPhone to iPad or vice versa. iPhone app has scrolling lyrics, which roon doesn’t even have yet. I’m just waiting on my Naim streamer to get the Tidal Max update to continue to use the Tidal Connect feature. Normally would just use thru roon. Tidal has a lot more user recommendations and more focused genres. Never liked pop music mixed with rock music.

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I think that Qobuz have given up on their downloader app. They now seem to be back to the idea of incorporating the download function in their main Qobuz app, and have introduced the concept of a Qobuz “wallet”, e.g…

I’ve been using this for my recent purchases and it seems to work quite well. I’m not missing the separate downloader app.


Sticking with Qobuz and hoping for their Connect feature to come very soon :crossed_fingers:

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Me, too. I just canceled Tidal HiFi and upgraded to Qobuz Sublime. Will rely on Apple Music thru an old iPad with a Lightning to USB adapter as backup.

That’s how I have downloaded my bought albums. Copied them over to an external hard drive. And used this drive to copy the music to my Roon Server. Roon picked them up right away and happily plays them.

No DRM to worry about. :slightly_smiling_face:


So are they allowing you to download whole albums from the web again instead of track by track. The PC/Mac music/downloader app has always been a waste of space for me so I look forward to being able to remove it from my computers.
I might visit Qobuz and make a purchase this evening.
Thank you for that heads up Geoff

Yes - if you purchase an album, you get the option to download the album and it downloads all the tracks (and booklets, if any) automatically and places them in a folder for you.

Not sure yet of its behaviour with boxsets - I suspect that some renaming of subfolders is going to be necessary…

Oh - and this isn’t purchasing “from the web” as you wrote - this is using the Qobuz app for Windows (in my case)

That’s great news :+1:.
I plan on spending some money in the name of testing this feature out :face_with_peeking_eye:

Oh I just read this again. I don’t normally purchase from there, but the Web where the download is a disaster. Well I will try both out and see what comes of it

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I know most people probably use Windows. But when I’m on my Linux box and download from Qobuz, they give a tarball, think zip file, file to download. No pesky apps to install and fiddle with.

They used to do that on Windows as well and I preferred it. But it seems to be track by track for the last year or so, so I installed the Qobuz app which is what I think they wanted

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Yeah, I hadn’t bought anything on Qobuz in a long time, until last week. I was on Windows and it wanted me to install the app. But all I needed was one track and so I clicked the download one at a time option.

This was one of the albums I got in the lot of CDs and after ripping it to FLAC, one song was badly messed up after playing it back. So I went to Qobuz to get that song to replace my ripped version.

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My haul since upgrading to Sublime. Already made the extra subscription costs back. And all copied over to my Roon Server.

So I now have Jean-Michel Jarre The Corrs and Air complete.


Hmmmm. I recently (a couple weeks ago?) made a couple purchases in Qobuz and it still used the downloader app. :thinking:

I wasn’t aware there was an app you can use for purchasing. I’ve only purchased through their website.

Qobuz stood firm in the face of MQA, delivery high quality lossless music.

Qobuz deserves our continued support.
Tidal will never get my money.