Currently I’m running Roon in a temporary setup. Roon is running from my desktop (windows 10, 64bit, AMD2600X w 16gb RAM) and I mainly access music via my TIDAL HIFI subscription.
I would like to make local copies of my Tidal playlists, so I can update them via Roon from now on.
The playlist I use the most counts 315 tracks in TIDAL and 261 in Roon. It is not random songs missing, but the 54 latest additions to the playlist. Steps I tried:
-Sync TIDAL in Roon via sync-button and settings menu.
-Log off/on TIDAL in Roon.
-Rename playlist in TIDAL > name-change got through to Roon immediatly, but tracks still missing.
-Add track to other playlist in TIDAL > sync Roon > track also not showing.
As far as I can guesstimate my TIDAL playlists were only synced when I installed Roon (end Oct '18).