Tidal tracks skipping: "The track is not currently available from TIDAL" [Resolved]

I have the same issue. This seems to be the related part of my log:

03/11 13:43:17 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/117113017/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=DE&audioquality=HIGH&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM => Success
03/11 13:43:17 Warn: [tidal/http] https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/117113017/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=DE&audioquality=HIGH&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM failed (deserialize): System.ArgumentException: encryption_type
   at Sooloos.Tidal.TidalUtils.ParseEncryptionType(String encryption_type)
   at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackManifest.Parse(String base64, ManifestType type)
   at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackInfo.Parse(Object o)
   at Sooloos.Tidal.Proxy.HandleJsonResponse[T](String url, String etag, Func`2 parse_json, String responsebody, ResultCallback`1 cb_result)
03/11 13:43:17 Warn: [tidal/media] could not get playback info for 168:0:117113017: Result[Status=InvalidRemoteData]
03/11 13:43:17 Info: [zone Uniti Atom] OnPlayFeedback StoppedEndOfMediaUnnatural
03/11 13:43:17 Debug: [zone Uniti Atom] _Advance
03/11 13:43:17 Trace: [Uniti Atom] [LowQuality, 24/44 TIDAL AAC => 32/44] [STOPPED @ 0:00] 

I tried to create an aggregated thread here (Don’t now if this is a good idea or not, at least we see, that we are not alone with this issue):

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