Tidal tracks skipping: "The track is not currently available from TIDAL" [Resolved]

Roon Staff Notice

Original post

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Mac mini MD388, macOS Catalina, Roon 1.8 (build 764)

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Ethernet 1 Gb/s, internet connection 300 Mb/s

Description Of Issue

For several tracks from each album from Tidal, which I’m trying to play, I get “The track is not currently available from TIDAL” error. Even for tracks that I’ve played an hour ago without any problems. But I can play all these tracks in Tidal app.

03/10 17:12:54 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/25991309/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM => Success
03/10 17:12:54 Warn: [tidal/http] https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/25991309/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM failed (deserialize): System.ArgumentException: encryption_type
  at Sooloos.Tidal.TidalUtils.ParseEncryptionType (System.String encryption_type) [0x0003a] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackManifest.Parse (System.String base64, Sooloos.Tidal.ManifestType type) [0x000df] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackInfo.Parse (System.Object o) [0x0006a] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.Proxy.HandleJsonResponse[T] (System.String url, System.String etag, System.Func`2[T,TResult] parse_json, System.String responsebody, Base.ResultCallback`1[T] cb_result) [0x0009d] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
03/10 17:12:54 Warn: [tidal/media] could not get playback info for 168:0:25991309: Result[Status=InvalidRemoteData]
03/10 17:12:54 Info: Alert: TIDAL: tidal_account_error
03/10 17:12:54 Info: Alert: TIDAL: tidal_account_error
03/10 17:50:28 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/25991310/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM => Success
03/10 17:50:28 Warn: [tidal/http] https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/25991310/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM failed (deserialize): System.ArgumentException: encryption_type
  at Sooloos.Tidal.TidalUtils.ParseEncryptionType (System.String encryption_type) [0x0003a] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackManifest.Parse (System.String base64, Sooloos.Tidal.ManifestType type) [0x000df] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackInfo.Parse (System.Object o) [0x0006a] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.Proxy.HandleJsonResponse[T] (System.String url, System.String etag, System.Func`2[T,TResult] parse_json, System.String responsebody, Base.ResultCallback`1[T] cb_result) [0x0009d] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
03/10 17:50:28 Warn: [tidal/media] could not get playback info for 168:0:25991310: Result[Status=InvalidRemoteData]
03/10 17:50:28 Info: Alert: TIDAL: tidal_account_error
03/10 17:50:28 Info: Alert: TIDAL: tidal_account_error
03/10 17:59:26 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/156312527/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM => Success
03/10 17:59:26 Warn: [tidal/http] https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/156312527/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM failed (deserialize): System.ArgumentException: encryption_type
  at Sooloos.Tidal.TidalUtils.ParseEncryptionType (System.String encryption_type) [0x0003a] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackManifest.Parse (System.String base64, Sooloos.Tidal.ManifestType type) [0x000df] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackInfo.Parse (System.Object o) [0x0006a] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.Proxy.HandleJsonResponse[T] (System.String url, System.String etag, System.Func`2[T,TResult] parse_json, System.String responsebody, Base.ResultCallback`1[T] cb_result) [0x0009d] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
03/10 17:59:26 Warn: [tidal/media] could not get playback info for 168:0:156312527: Result[Status=InvalidRemoteData]
03/10 17:59:26 Info: Alert: TIDAL: tidal_account_error
03/10 17:59:26 Info: Alert: TIDAL: tidal_account_error
03/10 17:59:43 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/156312530/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM => Success
03/10 17:59:43 Warn: [tidal/http] https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/156312530/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM failed (deserialize): System.ArgumentException: encryption_type
  at Sooloos.Tidal.TidalUtils.ParseEncryptionType (System.String encryption_type) [0x0003a] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackManifest.Parse (System.String base64, Sooloos.Tidal.ManifestType type) [0x000df] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackInfo.Parse (System.Object o) [0x0006a] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.Proxy.HandleJsonResponse[T] (System.String url, System.String etag, System.Func`2[T,TResult] parse_json, System.String responsebody, Base.ResultCallback`1[T] cb_result) [0x0009d] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
03/10 17:59:43 Warn: [tidal/media] could not get playback info for 168:0:156312530: Result[Status=InvalidRemoteData]
03/10 17:59:43 Info: [zone Macbook] OnPlayFeedback StoppedEndOfMediaUnnatural
03/10 17:59:43 Debug: [zone Macbook] _Advance
03/10 17:59:43 Info: Alert: TIDAL: tidal_account_error
03/10 17:59:43 Info: Alert: TIDAL: tidal_account_error
03/10 18:00:11 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/169771109/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM => Success
03/10 18:00:11 Warn: [tidal/http] https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/169771109/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM failed (deserialize): System.ArgumentException: encryption_type
  at Sooloos.Tidal.TidalUtils.ParseEncryptionType (System.String encryption_type) [0x0003a] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackManifest.Parse (System.String base64, Sooloos.Tidal.ManifestType type) [0x000df] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackInfo.Parse (System.Object o) [0x0006a] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.Proxy.HandleJsonResponse[T] (System.String url, System.String etag, System.Func`2[T,TResult] parse_json, System.String responsebody, Base.ResultCallback`1[T] cb_result) [0x0009d] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
03/10 18:00:11 Warn: [tidal/media] could not get playback info for 168:0:169771109: Result[Status=InvalidRemoteData]
03/10 18:00:11 Info: [zone Macbook] OnPlayFeedback StoppedEndOfMediaUnnatural
03/10 18:00:11 Debug: [zone Macbook] _Advance
03/10 18:00:11 Info: Alert: TIDAL: tidal_account_error
03/10 18:00:11 Info: Alert: TIDAL: tidal_account_error

Somehow yesterday this problem disappeared, but today it returned. Unfortunately it becomes repeating.

03/11 13:56:38 Trace: [Pi2] [Lossless 57.2x, 16/44 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/88 MQA] [4% buf] [PLAYING @ 3:59/4:00] Route One 001 - Sigur Rós
03/11 13:56:38 Trace: [Pi2] [zoneplayer/raat] Endpoint snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi State Changed: Playing => Prepared
03/11 13:56:38 Debug: Lastfm 'xK4rLcTApX_HAlN-3ICPwdaI3tGturKN' DONE: Sigur Rós - Route One 001 
03/11 13:56:38 Trace: [snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi] [raatclient] SENT [47]{"request":"end_stream"}
03/11 13:56:38 Info: 
--[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = Lossless
    Source Format=Flac 44100/16/2  Quality=Lossless MQA 44100
    MQA Subtype=authentication LightState=off OriginalSampleRate=44100 OutputSampleRate= OutputBitsPerSample=
    MQA Subtype=roon_core_decoder LightState= OriginalSampleRate= OutputSampleRate=88200 OutputBitsPerSample=24
    Raat Device=snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi
    Output OutputType=Local_Alsa Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi
03/11 13:56:38 Info: [library] recorded play for profile 92156d67-f2b3-482f-bfc5-d93675575a44: mediaid=50:1:ee176b73-d266-468c-acab-97122df8cb0f metadataid= contentid=168:0:102265350 libraryid=50:1:ee176b73-d266-468c-acab-97122df8cb0f isfromswim=False
03/11 13:56:38 Info: MQA authentication
03/11 13:56:38 Info: MQA roon_core_decoder
03/11 13:56:38 Info: [zone Pi2 + Chord Poly] OnPlayFeedback StoppedEndOfMediaNatural
03/11 13:56:38 Debug: [zone Pi2 + Chord Poly] _Advance
03/11 13:56:38 Trace: [snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi] [raatclient] GOT [45] {"status":"Ended"}
03/11 13:56:38 Trace: [snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi] [raatclient] GOT [47] {"status":"Success"}
03/11 13:56:38 Trace: [Pi2] [Lossless 57.2x, 16/44 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/88 MQA] [4% buf] [LOADING @ 0:00] Route One 002 - Sigur Rós
03/11 13:56:38 Trace: [Poly] [Inactive] [LOADING @ 0:00] Route One 002 - Sigur Rós
03/11 13:56:38 Trace: [library] finished with 546 dirty tracks 19 dirty albums 20 dirty performers 77 dirty works 106 dirty performances 0 clumping tracks, 0 clumping auxfiles 0 compute tracks, 0 deleted tracks, 0 tracks to (re)load, 0 tracks to retain, 0 auxfiles to (re)load, 0 auxfiles to retain, and 222 changed objects
03/11 13:56:39 Info: 
--[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = Lossless
    Source Format=Flac 44100/16/2  Quality=Lossless MQA 44100
    MQA Subtype=authentication LightState=off OriginalSampleRate=44100 OutputSampleRate= OutputBitsPerSample=
    MQA Subtype=roon_core_decoder LightState= OriginalSampleRate= OutputSampleRate=88200 OutputBitsPerSample=24
    Raat Device=snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi
    Output OutputType=Local_Alsa Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi
03/11 13:56:44 Debug: [music/profilestats] Computed stats in 5290ms, got 50 top albums, 50 top performers, 27 genres
03/11 13:56:44 Trace: [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 13 ms (cumulative 56385435 bytes, 39533 ops in 77316 ms)
03/11 13:56:44 Trace: [library] endmutation in 5576ms
03/11 13:56:44 Trace: [Pi2] [Lossless 57.2x, 16/44 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/88 MQA] [4% buf] [LOADING @ 0:00] Route One 002 - Sigur Rós
03/11 13:56:44 Trace: [Poly] [Inactive] [LOADING @ 0:00] Route One 002 - Sigur Rós
03/11 13:56:44 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/102265351/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM => Success
03/11 13:56:44 Warn: [tidal/http] https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/102265351/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM failed (deserialize): System.ArgumentException: encryption_type
  at Sooloos.Tidal.TidalUtils.ParseEncryptionType (System.String encryption_type) [0x0003a] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackManifest.Parse (System.String base64, Sooloos.Tidal.ManifestType type) [0x000df] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackInfo.Parse (System.Object o) [0x0006a] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.Proxy.HandleJsonResponse[T] (System.String url, System.String etag, System.Func`2[T,TResult] parse_json, System.String responsebody, Base.ResultCallback`1[T] cb_result) [0x0009d] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
03/11 13:56:44 Warn: [tidal/media] could not get playback info for 168:0:102265351: Result[Status=InvalidRemoteData]
03/11 13:56:44 Info: [zone Pi2 + Chord Poly] OnPlayFeedback StoppedEndOfMediaUnnatural
03/11 13:56:44 Debug: [zone Pi2 + Chord Poly] _Advance
03/11 13:56:44 Info: Alert: TIDAL: tidal_account_error
03/11 13:56:44 Info: Alert: TIDAL: tidal_account_error
03/11 13:56:44 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/102265352/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM => Success
03/11 13:56:44 Warn: [tidal/http] https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/102265352/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM failed (deserialize): System.ArgumentException: encryption_type
  at Sooloos.Tidal.TidalUtils.ParseEncryptionType (System.String encryption_type) [0x0003a] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackManifest.Parse (System.String base64, Sooloos.Tidal.ManifestType type) [0x000df] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackInfo.Parse (System.Object o) [0x0006a] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.Proxy.HandleJsonResponse[T] (System.String url, System.String etag, System.Func`2[T,TResult] parse_json, System.String responsebody, Base.ResultCallback`1[T] cb_result) [0x0009d] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
03/11 13:56:44 Warn: [tidal/media] could not get playback info for 168:0:102265352: Result[Status=InvalidRemoteData]
03/11 13:56:44 Info: Alert: TIDAL: tidal_account_error
03/11 13:56:44 Info: Alert: TIDAL: tidal_account_error
03/11 13:56:44 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/102265352/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM => Success
03/11 13:56:44 Warn: [tidal/http] https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/102265352/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM failed (deserialize): System.ArgumentException: encryption_type
  at Sooloos.Tidal.TidalUtils.ParseEncryptionType (System.String encryption_type) [0x0003a] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackManifest.Parse (System.String base64, Sooloos.Tidal.ManifestType type) [0x000df] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackInfo.Parse (System.Object o) [0x0006a] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.Proxy.HandleJsonResponse[T] (System.String url, System.String etag, System.Func`2[T,TResult] parse_json, System.String responsebody, Base.ResultCallback`1[T] cb_result) [0x0009d] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
03/11 13:56:44 Warn: [tidal/media] could not get playback info for 168:0:102265352: Result[Status=InvalidRemoteData]
03/11 13:56:44 Info: [zone Pi2 + Chord Poly] OnPlayFeedback StoppedEndOfMediaUnnatural
03/11 13:56:44 Info: Alert: TIDAL: tidal_account_error
03/11 13:56:44 Info: Alert: TIDAL: tidal_account_error
03/11 13:56:44 Debug: [zone Pi2 + Chord Poly] _Advance
03/11 13:56:44 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/102265353/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM => Success
03/11 13:56:44 Warn: [tidal/http] https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/102265353/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM failed (deserialize): System.ArgumentException: encryption_type
  at Sooloos.Tidal.TidalUtils.ParseEncryptionType (System.String encryption_type) [0x0003a] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackManifest.Parse (System.String base64, Sooloos.Tidal.ManifestType type) [0x000df] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackInfo.Parse (System.Object o) [0x0006a] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.Proxy.HandleJsonResponse[T] (System.String url, System.String etag, System.Func`2[T,TResult] parse_json, System.String responsebody, Base.ResultCallback`1[T] cb_result) [0x0009d] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
03/11 13:56:44 Warn: [tidal/media] could not get playback info for 168:0:102265353: Result[Status=InvalidRemoteData]
03/11 13:56:44 Debug: [easyhttp] [515] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/performers/translate?c=tidal-tr returned after 327 ms, status code: 200
03/11 13:56:44 Info: Alert: TIDAL: tidal_account_error
03/11 13:56:44 Debug: [easyhttp] [514] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/albums/translate?c=tidal-tr returned after 328 ms, status code: 200
03/11 13:56:44 Info: Alert: TIDAL: tidal_account_error
03/11 13:56:44 Debug: [easyhttp] [516] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/albums/translate?c=tidal-tr returned after 292 ms, status code: 200
03/11 13:56:44 Debug: [easyhttp] [517] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/performers/translate?c=tidal-tr returned after 303 ms, status code: 200
03/11 13:56:44 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/102265353/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM => Success
03/11 13:56:44 Warn: [tidal/http] https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/102265353/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM failed (deserialize): System.ArgumentException: encryption_type
  at Sooloos.Tidal.TidalUtils.ParseEncryptionType (System.String encryption_type) [0x0003a] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackManifest.Parse (System.String base64, Sooloos.Tidal.ManifestType type) [0x000df] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackInfo.Parse (System.Object o) [0x0006a] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.Proxy.HandleJsonResponse[T] (System.String url, System.String etag, System.Func`2[T,TResult] parse_json, System.String responsebody, Base.ResultCallback`1[T] cb_result) [0x0009d] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
03/11 13:56:44 Warn: [tidal/media] could not get playback info for 168:0:102265353: Result[Status=InvalidRemoteData]
03/11 13:56:44 Info: [zone Pi2 + Chord Poly] OnPlayFeedback StoppedEndOfMediaUnnatural
03/11 13:56:44 Info: Alert: TIDAL: tidal_account_error
03/11 13:56:44 Debug: [zone Pi2 + Chord Poly] _Advance
03/11 13:56:44 Info: Alert: TIDAL: tidal_account_error
03/11 13:56:44 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/102265354/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM => Success
03/11 13:56:44 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/102265355/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM => Success
03/11 13:56:44 Warn: [tidal/http] https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/102265355/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM failed (deserialize): System.ArgumentException: encryption_type
  at Sooloos.Tidal.TidalUtils.ParseEncryptionType (System.String encryption_type) [0x0003a] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackManifest.Parse (System.String base64, Sooloos.Tidal.ManifestType type) [0x000df] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackInfo.Parse (System.Object o) [0x0006a] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.Proxy.HandleJsonResponse[T] (System.String url, System.String etag, System.Func`2[T,TResult] parse_json, System.String responsebody, Base.ResultCallback`1[T] cb_result) [0x0009d] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
03/11 13:56:44 Warn: [tidal/media] could not get playback info for 168:0:102265355: Result[Status=InvalidRemoteData]
03/11 13:56:44 Info: Alert: TIDAL: tidal_account_error
03/11 13:56:44 Info: Alert: TIDAL: tidal_account_error
03/11 13:56:44 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/102265354?countryCode=TR => Success
03/11 13:56:45 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/102265354/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM => Success
03/11 13:56:45 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/102265354?countryCode=TR => Success
03/11 13:56:45 Info: [Pi2] [zoneplayer] Playing: http://ab-pr-fa.audio.tidal.com/f65b49086ccc18bd1f7221bf0b2dc3fd_39.flac
03/11 13:56:45 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream] All streams were disposed
03/11 13:56:45 Debug: [raat/tcpaudiosource] disconnecting
03/11 13:56:45 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream -> endpoint] All streams were disposed
03/11 13:56:45 Info: sleep 39ms after flush
03/11 13:56:45 Info: [Pi2] [zoneplayer]     Open Result (Playing):Result[Status=Success]
03/11 13:56:45 Info: [Pi2] [zoneplayer] Starting playback
03/11 13:56:45 Trace: [Pi2] [zoneplayer/raat] StartStream Sooloos.Broker.Transport.RaatZonePlayer+Endpoint: StreamFormat(channels=2, bitspersample=24, samplerate=88200, isdts=False, mqa_core=44100) => StreamFormat(channels=2, bitspersample=24, samplerate=88200, isdts=False, mqa_core=44100) streamid=2115818883
03/11 13:56:45 Info: [zone Pi2 + Chord Poly] OnPlayFeedback Playing
03/11 13:56:45 Debug: Lastfm 'xK4rLcTApX_HAlN-3ICPwdaI3tGturKN' START: Sigur Rós - Route One 005 
03/11 13:56:45 Trace: [Pi2] [Lossless, 16/44 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/88 MQA] [4% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] Route One 005 - Sigur Rós
03/11 13:56:45 Trace: [Poly] [Inactive] [PLAYING @ 0:00] Route One 005 - Sigur Rós
03/11 13:56:45 Trace: [prebuffer] ready 149940/441000 (34%) @ 0/240 sec
03/11 13:56:45 Trace: [streamingmediafile] immediate read of http://ab-pr-fa.audio.tidal.com/f65b49086ccc18bd1f7221bf0b2dc3fd_39.flac at 262144 length=19297436
03/11 13:56:45 Trace: [Pi2] [zoneplayer/raat] synced to endpoint snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi clock: realtime=78723856224023 rtt=0us offset=64899105224us delta=64899105224us
03/11 13:56:45 Trace: [snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi] [raatclient] SENT [48]{"request":"stream","stream_id":2115818883,"first_seq":-1,"nak_port":-1,"buffer_size":10,"ready_threshold":0.2}
03/11 13:56:45 Trace: [snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi] [raatclient] GOT [48] {"status":"Buffering"}
03/11 13:56:45 Trace: [Pi2] [zoneplayer/raat] Endpoint snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi State Changed: Prepared => Buffering
03/11 13:56:45 Trace: [Pi2] [zoneplayer/raat] [zoneplayer/raat] selected snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi as clock master
03/11 13:56:45 Debug: [raat/tcpaudiosource] connecting to
03/11 13:56:45 Debug: [raat/tcpaudiosource] connected
03/11 13:56:45 Trace: [snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi] [raatclient] GOT [48] {"status":"Ready"}
03/11 13:56:45 Trace: [Pi2] [zoneplayer/raat] Endpoint snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi State Changed: Buffering => Ready
03/11 13:56:45 Trace: [Pi2] [zoneplayer/raat] wait for ready in 0ms
03/11 13:56:45 Trace: [Pi2] [zoneplayer/raat] Adjusting playback start offset from 50ms to 59ms
03/11 13:56:45 Trace: [Pi2] [zoneplayer/raat] Doing 'ASAP' Start since we are just playing to one device
03/11 13:56:45 Trace: [snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi] [raatclient] SENT [49]{"request":"start","min_offset":59954648,"stream_sample":0}
03/11 13:56:45 Trace: [Pi2] [zoneplayer/raat] Endpoint snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi State Changed: Ready => Playing
03/11 13:56:45 Trace: [snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi] [raatclient] GOT [48] {"status":"Playing"}
03/11 13:56:45 Trace: [snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi] [raatclient] GOT [49] {"status":"Success","time":78724077822667}
03/11 13:56:46 Info: 
--[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = Lossless
    Source Format=Flac 44100/16/2  Quality=Lossless MQA 44100
    MQA Subtype=authentication LightState=valid OriginalSampleRate=44100 OutputSampleRate= OutputBitsPerSample=
    MQA Subtype=roon_core_decoder LightState= OriginalSampleRate= OutputSampleRate=88200 OutputBitsPerSample=24
    Raat Device=snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi
    Output OutputType=Local_Alsa Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi
03/11 13:56:46 Trace: [streamingmediafile] finished caching http://ab-pr-fa.audio.tidal.com/f65b49086ccc18bd1f7221bf0b2dc3fd_39.flac
03/11 13:56:47 Info: [stats] 10060mb Virtual, 3429mb Physical, 2061mb Managed, 116 Threads,  FDs 
03/11 13:56:48 Trace: [push] restarting connection (Unable to read data from the transport connection: interrupted.)
03/11 13:56:48 Trace: [push] retrying connection in 78183ms
03/11 13:56:49 Trace: [library] endmutation in 34ms
03/11 13:56:50 Trace: [Pi2] [Lossless 57.0x, 16/44 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/88 MQA] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:04/4:00] Route One 005 - Sigur Rós
03/11 13:56:50 Trace: [Poly] [Inactive] [PLAYING @ 0:04/4:00] Route One 005 - Sigur Rós

Also there were another problems with Tidal in Roon on Monday: Tidal problems: "Unexpected error loading album", "This playlist is empty"

What’s happening? Any answers from @support?

I have the same issue:

It seems that it begins to work after restarting Roon Core. But there were no such problems before. And I can’t restart the Core several times a day.

1 Like

No, I was wrong. It worked only for three tracks. :frowning:

03/11 14:44:54 Trace: [Pi2] [Lossless 56.0x, 16/44 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/88 MQA] [4% buf] [PLAYING @ 3:57/4:00] Route One 003 - Sigur Rós
03/11 14:44:54 Trace: [Poly] [Inactive] [PLAYING @ 3:57/4:00] Route One 003 - Sigur Rós
03/11 14:44:55 Info: [stats] 10001mb Virtual, 4084mb Physical, 2088mb Managed, 96 Threads,  FDs 
03/11 14:44:56 Trace: Successful POST response from https://push.roonlabs.com/push/1/connect
03/11 14:44:56 Trace: [push] connecting to
03/11 14:44:56 Trace: [push] connected
03/11 14:44:57 Trace: [storage] [directory] initial scan of /Users/psyfluid/Library/RoonMounts/RoonStorage_e5d770d9620f83fa77e803b9f6d7d94fb71df7f8/music-temp took: 1311257 ms
03/11 14:44:57 Debug: Lastfm 'xK4rLcTApX_HAlN-3ICPwdaI3tGturKN' DONE: Sigur Rós - Route One 003 
03/11 14:44:57 Trace: [Pi2] [zoneplayer/raat] Endpoint snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi State Changed: Playing => Prepared
03/11 14:44:57 Trace: [snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi] [raatclient] SENT [21]{"request":"end_stream"}
03/11 14:44:57 Info: [library] recorded play for profile 92156d67-f2b3-482f-bfc5-d93675575a44: mediaid=50:1:0de7d08b-7219-4db1-9fbb-66adf2a412b3 metadataid= contentid=168:0:102265352 libraryid=50:1:0de7d08b-7219-4db1-9fbb-66adf2a412b3 isfromswim=False
03/11 14:44:57 Info: 
--[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = Lossless
    Source Format=Flac 44100/16/2  Quality=Lossless MQA 44100
    MQA Subtype=authentication LightState=off OriginalSampleRate=44100 OutputSampleRate= OutputBitsPerSample=
    MQA Subtype=roon_core_decoder LightState= OriginalSampleRate= OutputSampleRate=88200 OutputBitsPerSample=24
    Raat Device=snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi
    Output OutputType=Local_Alsa Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi
03/11 14:44:57 Trace: [snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi] [raatclient] GOT [19] {"status":"Ended"}
03/11 14:44:57 Info: MQA authentication
03/11 14:44:57 Info: MQA roon_core_decoder
03/11 14:44:57 Trace: [snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi] [raatclient] GOT [21] {"status":"Success"}
03/11 14:44:57 Info: [zone Pi2 + Chord Poly] OnPlayFeedback StoppedEndOfMediaNatural
03/11 14:44:57 Debug: [zone Pi2 + Chord Poly] _Advance
03/11 14:44:57 Trace: [library] finished with 546 dirty tracks 19 dirty albums 20 dirty performers 77 dirty works 106 dirty performances 0 clumping tracks, 0 clumping auxfiles 0 compute tracks, 0 deleted tracks, 0 tracks to (re)load, 0 tracks to retain, 0 auxfiles to (re)load, 0 auxfiles to retain, and 222 changed objects
03/11 14:44:57 Trace: [Pi2] [Lossless 56.0x, 16/44 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/88 MQA] [4% buf] [LOADING @ 0:00] Route One 004 - Sigur Rós
03/11 14:44:57 Trace: [Poly] [Inactive] [LOADING @ 0:00] Route One 004 - Sigur Rós
03/11 14:44:57 Info: 
--[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = Lossless
    Source Format=Flac 44100/16/2  Quality=Lossless MQA 44100
    MQA Subtype=authentication LightState=off OriginalSampleRate=44100 OutputSampleRate= OutputBitsPerSample=
    MQA Subtype=roon_core_decoder LightState= OriginalSampleRate= OutputSampleRate=88200 OutputBitsPerSample=24
    Raat Device=snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi
    Output OutputType=Local_Alsa Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=snd_rpi_hifiberry_digi
03/11 14:45:02 Debug: [music/profilestats] Computed stats in 4762ms, got 50 top albums, 50 top performers, 27 genres
03/11 14:45:04 Trace: [Pi2] [Lossless 56.0x, 16/44 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/88 MQA] [4% buf] [LOADING @ 0:00] Route One 004 - Sigur Rós
03/11 14:45:04 Trace: [Poly] [Inactive] [LOADING @ 0:00] Route One 004 - Sigur Rós
03/11 14:45:06 Trace: [push] restarting connection (Unable to read data from the transport connection: interrupted.)
03/11 14:45:06 Trace: [push] retrying connection in 92394ms
03/11 14:45:06 Debug: [music/profilestats] Computed stats in 4566ms, got 50 top albums, 50 top performers, 27 genres
03/11 14:45:06 Trace: [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 32 ms (cumulative 95103544 bytes, 50206 ops in 102088 ms)
03/11 14:45:06 Trace: [library] endmutation in 9672ms
03/11 14:45:06 Trace: [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 1 ms (cumulative 95103544 bytes, 50206 ops in 102089 ms)
03/11 14:45:06 Trace: [library] endmutation in 18ms
03/11 14:45:07 Debug: [easyhttp] [70] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/albums/translate?c=tidal-tr returned after 169 ms, status code: 200
03/11 14:45:07 Debug: [easyhttp] [73] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/performers/translate?c=tidal-tr returned after 168 ms, status code: 200
03/11 14:45:07 Debug: [easyhttp] [71] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/performers/translate?c=tidal-tr returned after 169 ms, status code: 200
03/11 14:45:07 Debug: [easyhttp] [72] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/albums/translate?c=tidal-tr returned after 169 ms, status code: 200
03/11 14:45:07 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/102265353/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM => Success
03/11 14:45:07 Warn: [tidal/http] https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/102265353/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM failed (deserialize): System.ArgumentException: encryption_type
  at Sooloos.Tidal.TidalUtils.ParseEncryptionType (System.String encryption_type) [0x0003a] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackManifest.Parse (System.String base64, Sooloos.Tidal.ManifestType type) [0x000df] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackInfo.Parse (System.Object o) [0x0006a] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
  at Sooloos.Tidal.Proxy.HandleJsonResponse[T] (System.String url, System.String etag, System.Func`2[T,TResult] parse_json, System.String responsebody, Base.ResultCallback`1[T] cb_result) [0x0009d] in <7d6f1e32bec24b1a802f72d18757d829>:0 
03/11 14:45:07 Warn: [tidal/media] could not get playback info for 168:0:102265353: Result[Status=InvalidRemoteData]
03/11 14:45:07 Info: Alert: TIDAL: tidal_account_error
03/11 14:45:07 Info: [zone Pi2 + Chord Poly] OnPlayFeedback StoppedEndOfMediaUnnatural
03/11 14:45:07 Info: Alert: TIDAL: tidal_account_error
03/11 14:45:07 Debug: [zone Pi2 + Chord Poly] _Advance
03/11 14:45:07 Trace: [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 1 ms (cumulative 95103544 bytes, 50206 ops in 102090 ms)
03/11 14:45:07 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/102265354/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM => Success
03/11 14:45:07 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/102265354/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM => Success
03/11 14:45:07 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/102265354?countryCode=TR => Success
03/11 14:45:07 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/102265354?countryCode=TR => Success
03/11 14:45:07 Info: [Pi2] [zoneplayer] Playing: http://ab-pr-fa.audio.tidal.com/f65b49086ccc18bd1f7221bf0b2dc3fd_39.flac
03/11 14:45:07 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream] All streams were disposed
03/11 14:45:07 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream -> endpoint] All streams were disposed
03/11 14:45:07 Debug: [raat/tcpaudiosource] disconnecting
03/11 14:45:07 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/102265355/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=TR&audioquality=HI_RES&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM => Success
03/11 14:45:07 Info: sleep 39ms after flush
03/11 14:45:07 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/102265355?countryCode=TR => Success
03/11 14:45:07 Info: [Pi2] [zoneplayer] Queueing: http://ab-pr-fa.audio.tidal.com/7347fb1d500507bc8b3f009b7990df2a_39.flac
03/11 14:45:07 Info: [Pi2] [zoneplayer]     Open Result (Playing):Result[Status=Success]
03/11 14:45:07 Info: [Pi2] [zoneplayer] Starting playback
03/11 14:45:07 Trace: [Pi2] [zoneplayer/raat] StartStream Sooloos.Broker.Transport.RaatZonePlayer+Endpoint: StreamFormat(channels=2, bitspersample=24, samplerate=88200, isdts=False, mqa_core=44100) => StreamFormat(channels=2, bitspersample=24, samplerate=88200, isdts=False, mqa_core=44100) streamid=1089148482
03/11 14:45:07 Info: [zone Pi2 + Chord Poly] OnPlayFeedback Playing
03/11 14:45:07 Debug: Lastfm 'xK4rLcTApX_HAlN-3ICPwdaI3tGturKN' START: Sigur Rós - Route One 005 
03/11 14:45:07 Trace: [Pi2] [Lossless, 16/44 MQA TIDAL FLAC => 24/88 MQA] [4% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] Route One 005 - Sigur Rós

Having the same issue here since yesterday. Never had it before.

I have the same issue. This seems to be the related part of my log:

03/11 13:43:17 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/117113017/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=DE&audioquality=HIGH&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM => Success
03/11 13:43:17 Warn: [tidal/http] https://api.tidal.com/v1/tracks/117113017/playbackinfopostpaywall?countryCode=DE&audioquality=HIGH&assetpresentation=FULL&playbackmode=STREAM failed (deserialize): System.ArgumentException: encryption_type
   at Sooloos.Tidal.TidalUtils.ParseEncryptionType(String encryption_type)
   at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackManifest.Parse(String base64, ManifestType type)
   at Sooloos.Tidal.PlaybackInfo.Parse(Object o)
   at Sooloos.Tidal.Proxy.HandleJsonResponse[T](String url, String etag, Func`2 parse_json, String responsebody, ResultCallback`1 cb_result)
03/11 13:43:17 Warn: [tidal/media] could not get playback info for 168:0:117113017: Result[Status=InvalidRemoteData]
03/11 13:43:17 Info: [zone Uniti Atom] OnPlayFeedback StoppedEndOfMediaUnnatural
03/11 13:43:17 Debug: [zone Uniti Atom] _Advance
03/11 13:43:17 Trace: [Uniti Atom] [LowQuality, 24/44 TIDAL AAC => 32/44] [STOPPED @ 0:00] 

I tried to create an aggregated thread here (Don’t now if this is a good idea or not, at least we see, that we are not alone with this issue):

1 Like

I have the same issue today (and possibly earlier in the week). I don’t remember it happening before but its happened multiple times today.

I was in this situation before. Ever since I changed the computer and debugged the modem network, everything is fine. I need to replace a computer with an SSD hard disk, and the optical modem of the network needs to be replaced with a faster one. Then everything is fine. This is how I solved the problem.

I don’t think your comment is relevant to the current problem, it’s a different situation now. Because everything worked before without any changes in a hardware. And Roon database is already located on SSD drive, and there is 1Gb/s ethernet from a router with 300 Mb/s internet connection.

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

HP Elitedesk i7 800 G5, Roon server Core 1.8 build 764, Win10
16gb ram, i7-9700T

iinet modem, Orbi RBs50 master and slave.
PC connected directly to master via ethernet.

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Ropieee RPI4/Pi2AES Hat end point

Description Of Issue

I’m seeking help to diagnose why in the last few days, I am now seeing Tidal error messages when selecting tracks for playback via Roon.

I get an error message and the track either plays or Roon will skip one or multiple tracks and randomly play a song in the album. When I select the same album or track in Tidal I have no issues with playback, skipping through the track list, no jumps or issues are experienced.

  1. I have tried rebooting my modem, Orbi, and NBN incoming unit. Issue still persists.
    This issue has only recently started (Maybe in the last few days)
    Network is unchanged, and Roon has been working fine before.
    ISP speed test says 51mb down, 18.5 up.
  2. I have tried disabling and reconnecting/loading Tidal as an account.
    This doesn’t improve things.
  3. I have tried hitting sync library, no fix.
  4. I have tried changing my router DNS to and no fix.
  5. I have tried multiple Roon cores
  6. No issues are experienced via Tidal app

Please help, this is frustrating.

I got same issue.

1 Like

Yep, not great. :unamused:
It seems to be a Roon issue.
Tidal app works fine.

I am having the same issue.

Same issue today…

I can confirm I have the same issue, it started very recently maybe in the last week. Roon is installed on an Intel Nuc i7. The tracks are available, also occasional skipping of tidal tracks.

same issue. I get this error even when playing tracks from local library!

Same here.

Hey DanMtsn,

by “local library” do you mean tracks/albums added from TIDAL to your library? Or does it happen with tracks on your hard disk?

Playing tracks on your hard disk should not display the message “This track is not currently available from TIDAL” as the subject of this thread is about.

Local files on the same computer that runs Roon. I agree this message should not appear when playing such files… but it does. Which shows there’s something completely wrong here.