Apple MacBook Air, i5, 8GB RAM, macOS Monterey 12.1
Networking Gear & Setup Details
Telstra Smart Modem Gen 2, using WiFi to MacBook Air.
Connected Audio Devices
Cambridge CXA61 via USB 2.0
Number of Tracks in Library
12,239 tracks
Description of Issue
Tidal tracks through Roon may play completely, or suddenly stop, or not load at all. I sometimes get the error message the Tidal is loading slowly, and Roon starts skipping through to play other tracks, unsuccessfully.
Tidal works fine on mobile app, and macOS app. Local files work fine through Roon. Qobuz tracks work without error also.
Same problem playing through MacBook speakers.
I tried clearing the cache folder like I read in a thread. That was a week ago I think, and if it improved at all, it didn’t last.
I’ve tried restarting Roon twice, no better. Restarting the computer didn’t resolve the issue either. I’ve disconnected my Tidal account and reconnected it, no better.
This sounds very much like a network issue. Roon strongly recommends connecting your core via ethernet rather than wi-fi. Is there any way to connect your MacBook to your modem via ethernet?
Hey @Steven_Vanselow thanks for reaching out to us about this, sorry that it took us a while to respond! I’m thankful for the suggestions you’ve received - were you able to give @Graeme_Finlayson’s suggestion a try? Please, let us know if connecting the Core directly to the router did not help.
If you go into Roon Settings → Services → TIDAL → Edit → Streaming Quality and lower the quality does this still occur?
We’d also recommend changing the DNS. We have seen users have a better experience in the past if they change their Router’s DNS servers from the ISP provided ones to Cloudflare DNS, Quad9 or Google DNS. Can you please give this a try and let me know if it helps?