Track deletion doubles latest track in album display

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

ACER PC running Windows 10,1809 64 bit - Roon 1.6,build 416 stable, 64 bit

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Roon database and all music files are LOCAL, i.e., stored in PC’s SSD

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Matrix Audio X-SABRE Pro, USB DAC

Description Of Issue

When deleting a track from an album from inside Roon, i.e., using “Edit->Delete track” the LAST track of the album will be displayed two times (see screenshot atached). Furthermore the track title and track number of the track before the last one is wrong (track “6-7 Mona” does NOT exist at all!).


Because of the doubled last track this last track will also be played TWICE by Roon (i.e. seems to be doubled in the current playlist too).

Dear Devs: When will this be fixed???

Hi @KPB,

Do you see this occur with other albums or just this one?

If you go to Edit | Rescan does this resolve things for you?

Hi @dylan,
I had reported this kind of problems for Roon 1.5 already in January 2019, see: " Roon “refresh display” problems after deleting some tracks" but nothing happened with Roon 1.6 coming up. Still the same problems.
It seems that Roon has only focus on the “big steps” but “small” problems like the one reported by me may just go away…

Anyhow, to answer your questions:
Edit | Rescan does not help. Furthermore: Settings | Library | Cleanup does not help either.
I have to CLOSE Roon and RESTART the program from scratch to force a display cleanup. But you may imagine that this is quite a cumbersome procedure after deleting files now and then. BTW: Deleting more than one track will result in presenting the last track two, three, four, … times… in album display view. Seems that Roon is accumulating certain data in a curious way.

The problem does not only occur with the album presented in my screenshot. On the contrary, it is quite common for me to see such problems with all kind of albums having more than one disc.

And, it is definitely NOT a network problem because all the data is local on my PC’s SSD!

Just to add on to KPB. I had a brand new album rip, Sam Cooke, I put into Roon a couple of Days ago. I went into Roon and Deleted Track 28, the tracks moved up and replicated the final track. Looking at both tracks with file location and Roon showed the same file. When the track was played, the graphics indicated both were playing. see.

I put the missing track back in, Roon did not find it. I tried to re-identify, Roon did not find it. I then moved the whole album out of the watched folder, did not clean the library, and moved it back in. And when it came back up, the single track was listed as a separate album. I had to merge them together to get it back to square 1.

Just to show the picture if 2(!) files have been deleted inside Roon:


Hi @Rugby & @KPB,

I checked with the team on this and we currently have a ticket open with our development team regarding this issue. I can’t give any specific timeframes here, but I’ll be sure to keep you updated when more information is available.

Thanks for your patience here and apologies for the inconvenience.


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