Track Info Jumbled Up on Qobuz Album (correct on Qobuz)

In the “New Releases For You” I found the Support Qobuz album.

The track info doesn’t match what is being played back. After looking a bit closer, it’s a complete mix-up of information. E.g. on track 7, it even lists the title as “Violin Sonata in G Major, K. 301” - which is a compisition by Mozart that does appear on the album elsewhere, but listed with composer “Fritz Kreisler” which matches the actual track #7 “Liebesleid”.

AllMusic doesn’t have the track information at all Martha Argerich, Ivry Gitlis - Ivry Gitlis, Martha Argerich: Live performances 2003-2011 Album Reviews, Songs & More | AllMusic so cannot submit corrections there

The section to report metadata issues (linked from the pinned topic) is gone or inaccessible: so posting here.

I might have added that Qobuz also hosts the booklet PDF which also confirms there metadata - so you have more than just my pinky promise it’s correct on Qobuz

The track order and info is ok on Qobuz, both on the web app as on the Qobuz desktop app.

On Roon the track order is ok, but the metadata doesn’t correspond to the tracks. This is probably due to the common mix-up on Tidal, with Roon on de-duplication of the release info preferring the Tidal info… I’ve recently reported just such a case, and @joel asked me for more examples… I couldn’t come up with more such releases, but here we just seem to have another one…

Edit: I will reclassify this under Metadata support…

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Awesome. If there’s anything I can do, let me know!

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