Tracks skip when streaming from Tidal or Qobuz since Roon 1.7

We’re actively investigating this issue and working to determine what’s causing this problem for some (but not all) users.

One of the most important ways support helps resolve issues is by collecting information from mulitple people who are experiencing similar symptoms – often once we are look at logs we’re able to determine that two people with similar symptoms are actually experiencing different kinds of failures. And then we can proceed with appropriate next steps for each person.

This is why having multiple people in a single thread makes it harder for our team to collect information, particularly since we use these threads to track the status and logs for each report in our internal system.

I can assure you were are not ignoring any correlation here. The support category of the community site isn’t for discussion, as mentioned here.

Our advice for the moment is that anyone experiencing these symptoms (or any other issue) follow the instructions linked above, and open a new thread with the requested information.

Thanks all!